[mythtv-users] Trying to use 0.20 with the new diseqc tree.

G C lemoron45 at yahoo.com
Wed Sep 13 14:47:57 UTC 2006

My setup: DVB-S card connected to a diseqc switch; the
first port (port 0) is connected to a circular ku lnb,
the second one to a linear ku lnb, and finally the
third to a linear C band lnb; with this setup
MythTV0.19 is working just fine.

After backing my db, I started a fresh setup
(mythconverg empty). When I can understand the
workings in and out of the new diseqc tree, I might
come back with my old db..

Card recognised: ST-STV0299 DVB-S
When I click on the DiSEqC box, I get (Unconnected).
So I do a RETURN, and select Switch with DiSEqC as
switch type, with 4 ports instead of 2.
Under the Switch appears four (Unconnected) labels,
which I interpret as the four ports of my switch.
Choosing in turn the first three, I made the change
for LNB as Type of device, for my three inputs (Ku
Circular,Ku Linear and C).
After defining my three video sources, labeled Nimiq,
Bande Ku and Bande C, I made the proper Input
connections (#1 -> Nimiq (port 0 of my diseqc switch),
#2-> Bande Ku , #3 -> Bande C).
I then defined a transport for my second Input (PBS
AMC3-Ku 12110000, 14025000, 3/4, ATSC), and then tried
a scanning of this transport. But nothing happens!(no

Here is some outputs of logs and tables which might be

2006-09-13 10:06:48.671 SWizScan: ScanTransport(1)
2006-09-13 10:06:48.672 MSqlQuery: SELECT sourceid,
mplexid, sistandard, transportid FROM dtv_multiplex
WHERE mplexid = 1
2006-09-13 10:06:48.673 SIScan(0): Adding Multiplex #1
2006-09-13 10:06:48.681 SIScan(0): Starting SIScanner
2006-09-13 10:06:48.682 SIScan(0): Tuning to Multiplex
#1 mplexid(1)
2006-09-13 10:06:48.682 SM(0)::AddFlags: Seen()
Match() Wait()
2006-09-13 10:06:48.683 MSqlQuery: SELECT frequency,  
      inversion,      symbolrate,        fec,         
     polarity,        hp_
code_rate,      lp_code_rate,   constellation,       
transmission_mode, guard_interval, hierarchy,       
modulation,        bandwidth
 FROM dtv_multiplex WHERE dtv_multiplex.mplexid = 1
2006-09-13 10:06:48.684 DVBChan(0) Warning: Your
frequency setting (860000) is out of range.
2006-09-13 10:06:48.684 DVBChan(0): Frequency:
12110000 Symbol Rate: 14025000 Pol: h Inv: Auto
2006-09-13 10:06:48.684 MSqlQuery: SELECT cardinputid
FROM cardinput WHERE sourceid = 2 AND cardid = 1
2006-09-13 10:06:48.685 MSqlQuery: SELECT diseqcid,
value FROM diseqc_config WHERE cardinputid = 2
2006-09-13 10:06:48.703 DiSEqCDevTree: Changing to
DiSEqC switch port 1/4
2006-09-13 10:06:48.704 DiSEqCDevTree: Sending DiSEqC
Command: e0 10 38 f2
2006-09-13 10:06:48.863 DVBChan(0): Old Params:
Frequency: 0 Symbol Rate: 0 Pol: v Inv: Off
                        DVBChan(0): New Params:
Frequency: 12110000 Symbol Rate: 14025000 Pol: h Inv:
2006-09-13 10:06:48.864 DVBChan(0): Tune(): Tuning to
2006-09-13 10:06:48.865
dvbchannel.cpp:wait_for_backend: Status:
2006-09-13 10:06:48.866 DVBChan(0): Tune(): Frequency
tuning successful.
2006-09-13 10:06:48.866 DTVSM(0)::SetChannel(-1, -1):

mysql> select * from diseqc_config;
Empty set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select diseqcid, parentid, ordinal, type,
description, switch_ports, lnb_lof_lo from  
| diseqcid | parentid | ordinal | type   | description
| switch_ports | lnb_lof_lo |
|        1 |     NULL |       0 | switch | Switch     
|            4 |          0 |
|        2 |        1 |       0 | lnb    | KuCir      
|            0 |   11250000 |
|        3 |        1 |       1 | lnb    | KuLin      
|            0 |   10750000 |
|        4 |        1 |       2 | lnb    | C          
|            0 |    5150000 |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select cardid, cardtype, defaultinput,
dvb_diseqc_type, parentid , diseqcid from capturecard;
| cardid | cardtype | defaultinput | dvb_diseqc_type |
parentid | diseqcid |
|      1 | DVB      | DVBInput #1  |            NULL |
       0 |        1 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select mplexid, sourceid, transportid,
networkid, frequency, symbolrate, fec, sistandard 
from dtv_multiplex;
| mplexid | sourceid | transportid | networkid |
frequency | symbolrate | fec  | sistandard |
|       1 |        2 |        NULL |      NULL | 
12110000 |   14025000 | 3/4  | atsc       |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

I find it strange that the diseqc_config is empty;
BTW, what is the VALUE column for ?

Anyone can shed a light on this problem ?


Gilles Carrier

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