[mythtv-users] Recorded seek table

Richard Freeman r-mythtv at thefreemanclan.net
Sat Oct 21 14:00:57 UTC 2006

I'm trying to transcode video (recorded program video - not mythvideo
files) outside of mythtv (I want to preserve audio, but modify the
video).  I was able to play the resulting files, but seeking within the
file tends to cause playback to terminate (return to menu with the
keep/delete menu displayed).

In my troubleshooting I discovered the recordedseek table, which might
be the source of my problems - obviously all my byte offsets are going
to change if I transcode a file.

Is this the likely source of my problems?  If so, is there any way to
easily rebuild this database for a particular program?

Note that my transcoding routine worked just fine in 0.19 (is the seek
table new?).  I'm running 0.20 build 11444 on gentoo amd64 (and yes, I'm
using CFLAGS from the mythtv makefile :) ).

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