[mythtv-users] live tv lockup .20 (Ignoring livetv eof in decoder loop)

jeff news at propixs.com
Sun Oct 15 04:47:49 UTC 2006

I thought the lockup when switching shows was supposed to be fixed in 
.20 but it does the same thing for me as .19.
Little background this  is with a PVR350 using VGA out on GForce 6200 
(drivers 8774) on a BE/FE combo box, AMD 4400X2.  Nothing else was going 
on at the time that it happens.  This is the same behavior I saw on my 
other box which again everything was the same (BE/FE etc) other then P4 
3G a Geforce 5200 and kernel was 2.6.16.  Am I doing something wrong or 
am I the only lucky person with this problem or has everyone else given 
up on liveTV?


After a couple show transitions over the course of 3 hours on the same 
station (some were stuttered a bit but worked)  livetv locks up with 
this in the log file:

2006-10-14 15:00:01.649 LiveTVChain(live-mythtv-2006-10-14T12:37:08): 
ReloadAll(): Added new recording
2006-10-14 15:00:01.649 Resyncing position map. posmapStarted = 0 
livetv(1) watchingRec(0)
2006-10-14 15:00:02.106 Position map filled from DB to: 14385
2006-10-14 15:00:02.112 SyncPositionMap watchingrecording, from DB: 
14385 entries
2006-10-14 15:00:02.113 SyncPositionMap watchingrecording no entries 
from encoder, try DB
2006-10-14 15:00:02.169 NVP: 256800 interlaced frames seen.
'video_output' mean = '32765.74', std. dev. = '17140.97', fps = '30.52'
2006-10-14 15:00:02.371 Position map filled from DB to: 14386
2006-10-14 15:00:02.372 SyncPositionMap watchingrecording total: 14386 
2006-10-14 15:00:02.373 SyncPositionMap, new totframes: 215790, new 
length: 7200, posMap size: 14386
2006-10-14 15:00:02.469 LiveTVChain(live-mythtv-2006-10-14T12:37:08): 
2006-10-14 15:00:02.469 LiveTVChain(live-mythtv-2006-10-14T12:37:08): 
Entry at 2: '1028_20061014150001'
2006-10-14 15:00:02.474 NVP: IsReallyNearEnd() br(500KB) fps(29) sz(0KB) 
vfl(16) frh(0) ne:1
2006-10-14 15:00:02.474 SwitchToProgram(void)
2006-10-14 15:00:02.478 
OpenFile(myth://, 10)
2006-10-14 15:00:02.478 
CalcReadAheadThresh(4000 KB)
                        -> threshhold(146 KB) min read(32 KB) blk 
size(64 KB)
2006-10-14 15:00:02.478 Ignoring livetv eof in decoder loop
2006-10-14 15:00:02.530 Ignoring livetv eof in decoder loop
2006-10-14 15:00:02.581 Ignoring livetv eof in decoder loop
2006-10-14 15:00:02.633 Ignoring livetv eof in decoder loop
2006-10-14 15:00:02.684 Ignoring livetv eof in decoder loop
Repeats forever

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