[mythtv-users] Burning DVD with MythArchive

John jharitos at yahoo.com
Thu Nov 23 17:56:37 UTC 2006

On 11/22/06, John  wrote:
> I'm having a horrible success rate in burning DVD
> using MythArchive as I'm getting maybe 1 in every 10
> recordings to burn. From looking at the log files it
> looks like the audio/video gets out of sync causing
> mplex to drop too many frames thus resulting in an
> error. I have 'Allow MythTranscode" set which states
> it'll fix sync issues but it must not be working.
> Anyone know how to fix this? I've attached some
> from my log file.
> Video: aspect ratio: 4:3  size = 720x480  frame
> 29.970 fps  bit rate: 104.86 Mbit/s
>   vbvbuffer 1359872
> Sequence Extension: chroma 4:2:0   size = 720x480 
> rate: 104.86 Mbit/s  vbvbuffer 1359872  frame rate:
> 29.970
> starting with video PTS:  0:00:00.500
> AC3 stream:  bit rate: 192 kb/s  freq: 48000 Hz
> ++ WARN: [mplex] Stream e0: data will arrive too
> sent(SCR)=191518427 required(DTS)=191496311
> ++ WARN: [mplex] Video e0: buf=   2025 frame=063764
> sector=00366008

>I am in now way an expert on MythBurn or MythArchive.
>I've run enough 
>through mplex to have similar errors. Rather than a
>sync issue, are you 
>that you're not exceeding the max DVD bitrate? If
>your video is 10400 
>and your audio is 192 kb/s, then I would guess that's
>the culprit. I 
>the max total bitrate for a DVD is around 10080
<http://www.videohelp.com/dvd>kbs. I would try using a
>lower bit rate 
>your video -- say, 8500 kbps.

>Again, I'm not an expert, but I'd take a hard look at
>whether you are
>exceeding the DVD's capabilities. mplex enforces the
>DVD bitrate limit 

Thanks for the follow up. How is the bitrate set and
how can you change this? Is it done in the
mythfrontend setup or do you have to edit mythburn.py?
Is this what mplex does when it runs or is there some
step before mplex runs that sets the bitrate.

I looked at mythburn.py and I looked at the switches
set and the mplex command switches are:

-f 8 -v 0 -o

Is the 8 where the bitrate is set or am I totally
missing what's going on?


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