[mythtv-users] Knoppix Install fails

Anil Gupte anil-list at icinema.com
Tue Sep 20 16:07:21 UTC 2005

Thanx.  I RTFMed and realized that the SATA will make the auto install fail as 
KnoppMyth only works with hda not sda or anything else.  Anyway, after 
struggling with it for 3 days, I finally substituted an IDE drive and I am off 
and running!

Anil Gupte

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Lee" <mythtv at varga.co.uk>
To: "Discussion about mythtv" <mythtv-users at mythtv.org>
Sent: Saturday, September 17, 2005 11:25 AM
Subject: Re: [mythtv-users] Knoppix Install fails

>>> I just started to install MythTV using the Knoppix distro.  It fails with 
>>> the error message
>>> "No such device or address when trying to determine file system size".
>>> I know knoppix will fail if the hard drive is not /dev/hda and methinks that 
>>> is the problem.  My CD-Rom is connected as IDE1 (the only choice) and my 
>>> hard drive as SATA1.  How can I make my hard drive recognizable?
>> I don't think you can. Knoppix is not a 'real' distribution. It's a cut down 
>> version of Debian I believe, and it makes it very easy to try it out, and get 
>> a quick install up and running for most people.  The problem of expecting 
>> /dev/hda is due to one of the shortcuts/assumptions it makes.   Someone may 
>> know of a workaround, but if they don't, I'd suggest getting a recent copy of 
>> a full distribution, like Debian itself, or, what I am using, Mandriva 
>> 2005LE.  Mandriva has no problems whatsoever using /dev/sda (the SCSI/SATA 
>> device name) for installation.
> I think there are a couple of issues here...
> 1) I think you mean KnoppMyth not Knoppix. Knoppix is a live Linux CD. I.e. it 
> allows you to run a full version of Linux on any PC booting straight from a 
> CD, no install on the harddisk is needed. This is useful to try out Linux 
> without wreaking your Windows install and also useful for rescuing PC's that 
> have been damaged by viruses, user error, harddisk failure etc. Knoppix is 
> indeed based on Debian Linux, but is far from cut down, it has better hardware 
> detection/drivers and has over 2GB of software compressed onto the CD.
> KnoppMyth is version of Knoppix which has had MythTV (and a whole bunch of 
> other stuff) added to it. You boot with the CD and it will wipes the harddrive 
> on the PC, installs a Debian Linux operating system and then installs all of 
> MythTV. In many cases it will leave a 100% working MythTV box when it's 
> finished. In others it will need a small amount of tweaking, but nothing like 
> the work that has to be done with the likes of FedoraCore using Jarod Wilsons 
> excellent guide.
> 2) The current version of KnoppMyth R5A16, assumes that you have large 
> harddisk as your IDE Primary Master device and a CD/DVD/DVDR as your IDE 
> Secondary Master. The partitioning and setup is specifically geared to this. 
> As you have a SATA drive, the automatic install cannot work. End of story. 
> There is a expert mode available in the menu, and there are people who have 
> managed to use this, check the forums at http://mysettopbox.tv
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