[mythtv-users] Very Newbie DVB Question

Toby Weston toby.weston at gmail.com
Sun Nov 20 07:01:33 EST 2005

Hi Folks,

Sorry to ask the obvious but I was hoping someone could point me in the
direction of a very basic overview of DVB-T card setup (UK Nova-T), I'm
running Fedora 4 and will be using the latest Myth TV from atrpms.

I've been following the excellent Wilsonet guide and following the links on
DVB but I can't seem to put the pieces together :\ for example, does the
latest 2.6 kernels have DVB support? Am I likely going to need to do that
black magic kernel patching? The other guide I've been looking at is
http://www.ethics-gradient.net/myth/mythdvb.html (as mentioned on the
offical docs) but I'm confused about older 2.4(?) kernels.

I must sound very confused!

Anyway, any concise starting points for me would be really useful. Thanks :)

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