[mythtv-users] lircd.conf

dave sailer d.sailer at comcast.net
Mon Nov 14 18:04:30 EST 2005

Marty Ravell wrote:

>Dave wrote:
>>also try
>>mode2 -d /dev/lirc/0
>>mode2 -d /dev/lirc0
>>(or wherever your char device file is created)
>>I believe this just dumps whatever raw data flows into that device from 
>>your remote.
>I tried this and it does seem to work. (my dev is /dev/lirc0).
>Am going to try and build an lircd.conf manually with the data that is
>output. irrecord seems to be a bit flaky so maybe a more primitive approach
>is called for.
>Will post back if I have any luck.
>mythtv-users mailing list
>mythtv-users at mythtv.org
if mode2 works, that would seem to point at a bad lircd.conf. I 
personally didn't have any problem once I got mode2 to work. I believe I 
used a lircd.conf from jarods site although can't recall for sure.

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