[mythtv-users] smooth video

Marcel Janssen korgull at home.nl
Fri Nov 11 15:11:04 EST 2005


I'm having a small issue with getting my video to play smooth in both mythTV 
and xine. I expect it's not directly related to mythTV or xine but rather 
something on my system.

When I play TV/recordings or any file/DVD with xine I first set my X to a 
framerate that is appropriate for the format (50Hz for PAL or 59.97 , 71.9Hz 
for other formats). I'm using a CRT projector with RGB and V/H sync and have 
my Nvidia FX5700 connected directly to this projector, which should be 
I don't see tearing so I think the Vsync is OK but do see very small jumps 
which are well visible in fast moving images.

I'm using FC4 with standard kernel (latest I think) and use most packages from 
ATrpms, except xine which I compile mostly myself from cvs.

Does anyone have tips ?


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