[mythtv-users] Re: [mythtv] Why must I "Y"?

Kyle Rose krose+mythtv at krose.org
Thu Jan 13 13:07:52 EST 2005

Redirected to mythtv-users.

> Why must I use the "Y" key to switch between cards and "C" to switch
> between inputs?  Recording works fine.  Live TV is the issue here. (Yes I
> watch live TV)

I have the same complaint.  One of these days, I'll come up with some
way to indicate that channels in the guide are unavailable because the
associated tuner(s) are in-use, and have "X" or "M" in the guide
automatically change to a correct tuner.  But since my "remote" is a
bluetooth keyboard, "Y" allows me to be much lazier. :)


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