[mythtv-users] convert nuv to vob

Cory Papenfuss papenfuss at juneau.me.vt.edu
Tue Aug 16 11:56:38 UTC 2005

> Maybe I'm behind the times? What are most people using to archive
> thier recordings to DVD?
 	Most people aren't, and the ones that are either don't cut out 
commercials, or occasionally have bad sync'd files.  ProjectX seems to be 
the only utility now that can handle the sync oddities that ivtv streams 
sometimes contain.  Other utilities (mpeg2desc, avidemux, nuvexport [which 
uses avidemux], mplayer, transcode, mjpegtools, etc, etc) don't preserve 
sync when demuxing, so remuxing is broken as well.



* Cory Papenfuss                                                        *
* Electrical Engineering candidate Ph.D. graduate student               *
* Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University                   *

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