[mythtv-users] mythweb 0.15.1 recorded programs patch

Chris Petersen lists at forevermore.net
Wed Jun 9 11:22:12 EDT 2004

> Submit patches to the dev list with [PATCH] as the first part of the 
> subject.

For mythweb stuff, I honestly don't care which list they go to (as long
as "mythweb" is in the subject line it'll get filed into the appropriate
box and I'll see it).

I've seen the patch, but haven't had a time to look at it.  Joel -- if
I'm understanding things correctly, part of your problem is
cookie-related.  If you delete a program, the list WILL go back to the
last show you were browsing unless you happened to delete the last one
available (in which case, it resets to "all").


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