[mythtv-users] Problem with long descriptions

Francois Gouget fgouget at free.fr
Mon Jul 5 10:03:09 EDT 2004

I configured tv_grab_fr to retrieve the descriptions for the French
programs. However now I have the problem that some of these descriptions
are pretty long and push the recording options down the screen,
sometimes way past the end of the screen :-(

Here's a screenshot illustrating the problem:

So my suggestion is that the description should be put in a scrollable
area of a fixed size. The Up/Down keys would move from widget to widget
as usual and the left-right keys would let us scroll the description up
and down.

Is that feasible? I noticed that MythTV does not seem to have scrollable
text anywhere else...

Francois Gouget         fgouget at free.fr        http://fgouget.free.fr/
Nouvelle version : les anciens bogues ont \xE9t\xE9 remplac\xE9s par de nouveaux.

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