[mythtv-users] Burning DVD from ripped vob files

Jason Cooper mythtv at lakedaemon.net
Sat Jan 31 13:40:33 EST 2004

K.R. Foley (kr at cybsft.com) scribbled:
> Hi,
> I have used the script posted here recently for successfully burning 
> recordings to DVD (thanks to whoever posted it, can't remember at the 
> moment). I would like to be able to do the same with a vob file, ripped 
> using MythDVD (perfect quality). The problem is using mpeg2desc and 
> mplex, like I do with recordings, doesn't work with the DVD vob files 
> and dvdauthor doesn't seem to like these vob files either. I don't know 
> much at all about these vob files. Does anyone have any suggestions for 
> getting these back into a format that I can use dvdauthor on to create 
> the DVD layout for burning? Or am I missing something? Any suggestions 
> would be appreciated.

Give this script a try.  It's something I'm working on at the moment.
I'm still having trouble retrieving the dts audio, but it works fine
with 5.1 audio.  This is independent of myth and goes from disc to burn
without transcode.  I've backed up 10 dvd's so far without a hitch.

####Begin dvd9to5.sh####

# Grab the .vob of the main feature
tccat -i /dev/dvd -T 1,-1 -L >catted.vob

# Make fifo's for extracting audio and video simultaneously
mkfifo vid.fifo
mkfifo aud.fifo

# perform the extraction
tcextract -i aud.fifo -t vob -x ac3 -a 0 > ofile.ac3 &
tcextract -i vid.fifo -t vob -x mpeg2 > ofile.m2v &
cat catted.vob | tee aud.fifo vid.fifo >/dev/null &&

# Retrieve the chapter list.
tcprobe -i /dev/dvd -T 1 -H 10 2>&1 | egrep "\[Chapter ..\] " | \
	cut -d " " -f 4 | perl -pi -e 's/\n/,/' | \
	perl -pi -e 's/,$//' >chap.list &&

# Calculate the requantization factor
vsize=`ls -l ofile.m2v | awk '{print $5}'`
vsize=`echo $vsize / 1048576 | bc`
asize=`ls -l ofile.ac3 | awk '{print $5}'`
asize=`echo $asize / 1048576 | bc`
req=`echo "1.05 * $vsize / (4400 - $asize)" | bc -ql`
echo Requantize at: $req

# Perform requantization (comment out if $req < 1.0)
tcrequant -i ofile.m2v -o movie.m2v -f $req &&

# Put the audio and video back together
mplex -f 8 -S 0 -o movie.mpeg movie.m2v ofile.ac3 

# Make the dvd image
mkdir -p dvd/VIDEO_TS &&
dvdauthor -t -a ac3+en -c `cat chap.list` -o dvd movie.mpeg &&
dvdauthor -T -o dvd &&

# Make the iso (use the growisofs command, it's faster)
#mkisofs -dvd-video -udf -o dvd.iso dvd &&

# Cleanup
rm *.fifo

echo "Done."
echo "Now do growisofs -speed=4 -Z /dev/dvd -dvd-video dvd"
####End dvd9to5.sh######

Like I said, it's a work in progress.  I'll migrate it to perl here

btw - This certainly isn't all mine, a few tricks (the cool ones :) ) 
came from the gentoo ml and the transcode ml.



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