[mythtv-users] Problems filling EPG data in database with --fileoption

Johannes Niess linux at johannes-niess.de
Thu Jan 29 06:49:59 EST 2004

Am Donnerstag, 29. Januar 2004 11:50 schrieb Tom Grant:
> >I've not managed to have mythfilldatabase merge channel entries from the
> >xmltv
> >source (i.e. nxtvepg) and the --xawchannels option. Even --manual did not
> >work. You get records from xmltv without a mapping to frequencies and
> >records
> >from --xawtvchannels with other programid and no xmltvid.
> >
> >I ended up with "zap"ping the complete database, mythsetup,
> >"mythfilldatabase
> >- --file 1 -1 nxtvepg.xml" and editing the channel table by hand. You have
> >to
> >fill in the missing values for channum, freqid and callsign. My channels
> >table is in the attachment.
> Thanks a lot, i got it to work correctly now  :-)
> Someone else asked about getting EPG from 3sat: I can't get it from it,
> only from SF1 and an italian and french channel (Switzerland). I also tried
> to scan with "slow", but this didn't change anything. A friend told me,
> that Kabel1 is delivering very good EPG informations for most of the german
> channels. Can you get it from Kabel1?

Somewhere (on the nxtvepg home page?) it was said that 3sat has stopped its 
EPG service. I use a "merged" database from Kabel1, Super-RTL and Euronews.

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