[mythtv-users] Help!, DVB kernel loclup

Kenneth Aafløy ke-aa at frisurf.no
Fri Jan 23 10:14:55 EST 2004

Simon wrote:
>> My system locks up on a regular basis no logs just locks up.
>> Its a Athlon 2.4ghz Duron a a Abit KV7 motherboard running
>> fedora core 1 (2.4-22-1.2140.nptl_30.rhfc1.at).
>> Anyone have any tips on tracking this one down, it problem
>> appears to be when the drivers are opened. I've had not hassle
>> with them loaded (modprobe or insmod) or even leaving a dvbstream
>> going for a couple of days. But if I leave a script opening and
>> closing them it tends to go within 15 mins.
>> Does anyone have a modules.conf or a insmod script I can compare
>> with my own?.
>> The only reference I can see on the web to this is
>> http://www.ussg.iu.edu/hypermail/linux/kernel/0309.1/1343.html
>> Which does kind of knacker my attempts at creating a home pvr
>> system until the kernel problem is resolved..
> Well I've had both cards running with dvbstream and mplayer all day 
> without problems. I lockup only occurs when I'm using mythbackend.
> Any ideas how I can resolve/debug go futher with this one?

First off, this is definatly not a MythTV problem, as MythTV is a
program, and thus cannot crash/hard lock your computer. This is
most probably a dvb driver, or maybe kernel issue.

You don't tell the version of either MythTV or DVB drivers!

And have you even tested dvb-kernel CVS or DVB CVS?
What about installing a vanilla kernel?

After testing those, I suggest you head over to linuxtv.org with
a detailed and to the point report about the problem.


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