[mythtv-users] Sick over this: XMLTV, documention, perl
Dhiraj Gaurh
dhiraj at vishnubhugwaan.org
Mon Jan 12 05:24:43 EST 2004
Try without xmltv, unless you've already done that. If you later feel
that you need xmltv then you can install it. I faced the same problems
and ended up not installing xmltv. I use myth without xmltv.
Of course, if you do need xmltv, then you've got to install it, no way out !
BTW, I am on RH 7.2, not 9 like you are, so was an even bigger problem
for me :)
Stuart Felenstein wrote:
> I evidently don't get how to install XMLTV. I'm running Redhat
> 9.0. So reading through the myth documentation I see that "atrpms"
> has all the rpm for XML tv. Couple of problems though, as it's
> not really an xmltv.rpm but more forcing you to install apt-get
> and using that to get the package. Well first off I installed the
> atrpms kickstart and ran the upgade and dist commands. Then it
> says to get Synaptic. I don't run Gnome, so fine. I go back to
> xmltv @ sourceforge and get he pre-req packages, but a few fail
> make. I check that I have the right version of make. Then, on
> the packages that fail I used cpan. Finally, on TableMatrix, both
> sourceforge and cpan won't install. I give up this frustrating
> experience and decide to return to atrpms. The problem here is,
> well I still get some dependency issues with some of the rpms and
> have to hunt down the need perl modules from other sites. Aside
> from th! at I am sure something is seriously wrong and being a
> beginner, I now have redundancy with Perl modules. For exmaple,
> for Tk I did the install from cpan, yet the rpm's from atrpms
> didn't see it. To make the arrpm's install I went ahead and ran
> the tk.rpm. All mucked up I'm sure.
> Now, I supposedly have all the perl modules loaded ( some twice)
> and I go back to atrpms for XMLTV, only the one choice I have is
> to use apt-get again, but it is complaining about dependencies
> that are not even on the dependency list at atrpms. Now I have the
> source code from sourceforge but wonder if I compile it which set
> of perl modules it will see.
> I'm not sure if this is a gripe or a plea for help. If anyone
> can understand what I'm saying here and can explain to me what
> happened I'd appreciate it.
> Thanks
> Stuart
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