[mythtv-users] How can I delete a video source?

Johannes Niess linux at johannes-niess.de
Fri Jan 9 16:32:05 EST 2004

Hash: SHA1

Am Freitag, 9. Januar 2004 15:12 schrieb michael brown:
> From: "stan" <stanb at panix.com>
> > Sorry to bug people about htis, but I still have no resolutin to this
> > problem, and I really tired of reinstallin, since it takes several
> hours
> > for every attempt. :-(
> All I can advise is to run mythsetup again and answer yes to the first
> two questions.  This will clear out the capture cards.  Takes about two
> minutes to set it all back up again.  They only real hassle is having to
> run tv_grab_xx and mythfilldatabase afterwards.

The better solution would be a database redesign. The current implementation 
ties a xmltv description to a recording frequency. Mythtv ignores the fact 
that there can be multiple frequencies for the same "content" at the same 
time and multiple descriptions from different sources for the same content. 
At the moment mythtv uses a relationship of frequency 1:1 content 1:1 
description. The relationship really is frequency 1:N content 1:N 
description. Splitting the channel table into 3 parts would allow for very 
usefull things:

1) multiple xmltv sources at the same time without renaming of xmltv station 
ids. You just add a mapping of an xml station id to a "content".

2) Easy gradual change over to a new xmltv source. You just let the old data 

3) Improved scheduling of recordings.
There is significant overlap of stations between transmission technologies 
(e.g. analog and dvb). If you have tuners for several technologies it would 
be great to prefer dvb recordings, but use the analog recorder if the dvb 
recorder is used for a station not available in analog.

This is an important missing feature of mythtv. I estimate that 20% of threads 
on this list are about trouble with xmltv or using multiple tuners.

Johannes Nieß
Version: GnuPG v1.2.3 (GNU/Linux)


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