[mythtv] Windows pl install script tweaks

Leslie Kaye les.kaye at couchmansfarm.plus.com
Thu Mar 18 12:10:53 UTC 2010

Sorry if this is a duplicate. I recently joined the list and do not know 
if my first message got posted.

I am trying to install the "bleeding edge" version of MythTV on my 
OpenSuSE 11.2 home server box and my Windows clients from subversion. 
The Linux installation went fine and is working great.

I have a number of issues with 
which I am executing on a Windows 7 x64 box. It should be building the 
"bleeding edge" 0.23 version but seems to report version 0.22 ??

There is a newer version of MinGW reported by the MinGW installer than 
the version in the script.

MySQL installs in "C:\Program files (x86)\MySQL\" on Windows 7 by 
default not "C:\Program files\MySQL\" as assumed by the script. There 
seems to be a bug in the MySQL installer which allows the path to be 
changed but then goes ahead and installs it in the (x86) programs folder 
regardless. I am using my server's MySQL installation for Mythtv so I 
just copied and pasted the local MySQL program files to the expected 
location to proceed past this point in the script.

The DX9 files have now moved to 
The pl script needs to be amended for this.

typo at around line 227?
my $qt4dir = '/qt/4.5.1/';
should be
my $qt4dir = 'C:/qt/4.5.1/';
else it will not work if the script happens to be on a different drive 
as in my case.

Most (if not all?) of the pl script zip file extracts do not work for me 
so they have to be done manually and the script re-run.
(the extracted file list is echoed in the cmd window but no files are 
written to disc! )

At around line 780, taglib is not available from
   therefore I used this one
and changed "5" to "6.1" as below
# taglib 1.6.1 sources changed it's build system under win32 to use 'cmake',
# which we don't have, however pre-compiled mingw 1.6.1 binaries are 
[ archive => $sources.'taglib-1.6.1-mingw-bin.zip',
   fetch   => 'http://users.physik.fu-berlin.de'.
[ dir     => $sources.'taglib-1.6.1-mingw-bin',
   extract => $sources.'taglib-1.6.1-mingw-bin.zip' ],
[ file    => $mingw.'lib/libtag.dll.a',
   shell   => ['cd '.$sources.'taglib-1.6.1-mingw-bin',
               "cp -vr * $unixmingw"],
   comment => 'installing: mingw taglib' ],
[ file    => $msys.'lib/libtag.dll.a',
   shell   => ['cd '.$sources.'taglib-1.6.1-mingw-bin',
               "cp -vr * $unixmsys"],
   comment => 'installing: msys taglib' ],
# Hack for mythplugins/configure to detect taglib version:
[ file    => $mingw.'bin/taglib-config',
   write   => [$mingw.'bin/taglib-config',
case $1 in
   "--version") echo 1.6.1    ;;
   "--prefix")  echo /mingw ;;
esac'] ],
[ always  => [],
   shell   => ["chmod 755 $mingw/bin/taglib-config"] ],

I got this output regarding the the libvisual patch

COMMENTS:Create patch for libvisual

grep-ing for pattern(sched_setscheduler \(getpid \(\), SCHED_OTHER\);) 
in file(C
shell:C:\MSys\1.0\bin\bash.exe -c "( export 
PATH=/bin:/mingw/bin:$PATH;cd /sourc
es//libvisual-0.4.0/libvisual;patch -p0 < 
C:/MSys/1.0/sources/libvisual.patch) 2
>&1 "
patching file lv_os.c
Hunk #1 FAILED at 59.
Hunk #2 FAILED at 77.
2 out of 2 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file lv_os.c.rej
EFFECT FAILED (grep -> shell): unable to locate regex pattern 
r \(getpid \(\), SCHED_OTHER\);) in file 


and the lv_os.c.rej file says

*** 59,65 ****
     attr.sched_priority = 99;

     /* FIXME: Do we want RR or FIFO here ? */
-   ret = sched_setscheduler (getpid (), SCHED_FIFO, &attr);

     return ret >= 0 ? VISUAL_OK : -VISUAL_ERROR_OS_SCHED;
--- 59,65 ----
     attr.sched_priority = 99;

     /* FIXME: Do we want RR or FIFO here ? */
+   ret = sched_setscheduler (getpid (), SCHED_FIFO);

     return ret >= 0 ? VISUAL_OK : -VISUAL_ERROR_OS_SCHED;

*** 77,83 ****
     int ret;
     attr.sched_priority = 0;

-   ret = sched_setscheduler (getpid (), SCHED_OTHER, &attr);

     return ret >= 0 ? VISUAL_OK : -VISUAL_ERROR_OS_SCHED;
--- 77,83 ----
     int ret;
     attr.sched_priority = 0;

+   ret = sched_setscheduler (getpid (), SCHED_OTHER);

     return ret >= 0 ? VISUAL_OK : -VISUAL_ERROR_OS_SCHED;

which does not mean a whole lot to me (maybe the date is different in 
the file ID?) so I commented the patch stuff out of the pl script and 
did the patch manually.

the next problem I hit is this...

COMMENTS:Create patch1 for QT4

grep-ing for pattern(Option::shellPath.isEmpty) in 
shell:C:\MSys\1.0\bin\bash.exe -c "( export 
PATH=/bin:/mingw/bin:$PATH;cd /c/C/q
t/4.5.1/;dos2unix qmake/option.cpp;patch -p1 < 
h1) 2>&1 "
/bin/bash: line 0: cd: /c/C/qt/4.5.1/: No such file or directory
dos2unix: converting file qmake/option.cpp to UNIX format ...
dos2unix: problems converting file qmake/option.cpp
can't find file to patch at input line 3
Perhaps you used the wrong -p or --strip option?
The text leading up to this was:
|--- 4.5.1/qmake/option.cpp.bak  2009-06-28 16:35:29 -0500
|+++ 4.5.1/qmake/option.cpp  2009-06-28 16:35:47 -0500
File to patch:
Skip this patch? [y]
Skipping patch.
1 out of 1 hunk ignored
EFFECT FAILED (grep -> shell): unable to locate regex pattern 
.isEmpty) in file (C:/qt/4.5.1/qmake/option.cpp)

caused by an error on or around line 1145
   shell => ['cd '.$unixqt4dir, 'dos2unix qmake/option.cpp',
             'patch -p1 < '.$sources.'qt-4.5.1.patch1'] ],
which should read
   shell => ['cd '.$qt4dir, 'dos2unix qmake/option.cpp',
             'patch -p1 < '.$sources.'qt-4.5.1.patch1'] ],

and at or around line 1190
   shell => ['cd '.$unixqt4dir, 'dos2unix mkspecs/win32-g++/qmake.conf',
             'patch -p1 < '.$sources.'qt-4.5.1.patch2'] ],
should be
   shell => ['cd '.$qt4dir, 'dos2unix mkspecs/win32-g++/qmake.conf',
             'patch -p1 < '.$sources.'qt-4.5.1.patch2'] ],

Thinking this problem might be repeated, I did a search "$unixqt4dir" 
and replace with "$qt4dir" which replaced 4 instances.

re-run the pl script and now we get

COMMENTS:Create patch2 for QT4

grep-ing for pattern(QMAKE_COPY_DIR.*?= cp -r) in 
shell:C:\MSys\1.0\bin\bash.exe -c "( export 
PATH=/bin:/mingw/bin:$PATH;cd C:/qt/
4.5.1/;dos2unix mkspecs/win32-g++/qmake.conf;patch -p1 < 
4.5.1.patch2) 2>&1 "
dos2unix: converting file mkspecs/win32-g++/qmake.conf to UNIX format ...
patching file mkspecs/win32-g++/qmake.conf
Hunk #1 FAILED at 76.
Hunk #2 FAILED at 93.
2 out of 2 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file 
EFFECT FAILED (grep -> shell): unable to locate regex pattern 
= cp -r) in file (C:/qt/4.5.1/mkspecs/win32-g++/qmake.conf)

here is the patch rej file
*** 76,87 ****
       MINGW_IN_SHELL      = 1
     QMAKE_DIR_SEP    = /
     QMAKE_COPY    = cp
-   QMAKE_COPY_DIR    = xcopy /s /q /y /i
     QMAKE_MOVE    = mv
     QMAKE_DEL_FILE    = rm
-   QMAKE_MKDIR    = mkdir
     QMAKE_DEL_DIR    = rmdir
       QMAKE_CHK_DIR_EXISTS = test -d
   } else {
     QMAKE_COPY    = copy /y
     QMAKE_COPY_DIR    = xcopy /s /q /y /i
--- 76,90 ----
       MINGW_IN_SHELL      = 1
     QMAKE_DIR_SEP    = /
     QMAKE_COPY    = cp
+   QMAKE_COPY_DIR    = cp -r
     QMAKE_MOVE    = mv
     QMAKE_DEL_FILE    = rm
+   QMAKE_MKDIR    = mkdir -p
     QMAKE_DEL_DIR    = rmdir
       QMAKE_CHK_DIR_EXISTS = test -d
+     QMAKE_MOC    = $$[QT_INSTALL_BINS]/moc
+     QMAKE_UIC    = $$[QT_INSTALL_BINS]/uic
+     QMAKE_IDC    = $$[QT_INSTALL_BINS]/idc
   } else {
     QMAKE_COPY    = copy /y
     QMAKE_COPY_DIR    = xcopy /s /q /y /i
*** 90,101 ****
     QMAKE_MKDIR    = mkdir
     QMAKE_DEL_DIR    = rmdir
       QMAKE_CHK_DIR_EXISTS  = if not exist

   QMAKE_IDL    = midl
   QMAKE_LIB    = ar -ru
   QMAKE_RC    = windres
--- 93,103 ----
     QMAKE_MKDIR    = mkdir
     QMAKE_DEL_DIR    = rmdir
       QMAKE_CHK_DIR_EXISTS  = if not exist

   QMAKE_IDL    = midl
   QMAKE_LIB    = ar -ru
   QMAKE_RC    = windres

My eyes glaze over when I see "regex" so I just comment it all out and 
make the patch manually.

At or around line 1200 there are errors in
   set PATH=%QTDIR%\bin;%MINGW%\bin;%SystemRoot%\System32
which should read
   set PATH=%QTDIR%bin;%MINGW%bin;%SystemRoot%\System32
because the %QTDIR% and %MINGW% variables already have trailing slashes.

The next error is around line 1215
the output is
   E:\>rem This compiles only the sqldrivers folder:

   E:\>C:\MSys\1.0\bin\yes   | configure -opensource -plugin-sql-mysql 
-no-sql-sqlite -debug-and-release -fast -no-sql-odbc -no-qdbus
   'configure' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
   operable program or batch file.

This is fixed by modifying the line
'.$dosmsys.'bin\yes | configure -opensource -plugin-sql-mysql 
-no-sql-sqlite -debug-and-release -fast -no-sql-odbc -no-qdbus
   '.$dosmsys.'bin\yes | %QTDIR%configure -opensource -plugin-sql-mysql 
-no-sql-sqlite -debug-and-release -fast -no-sql-odbc -no-qdbus
and this fix can be made to the other 3 instances of "configure" in this 
area of code.

I then did a search to replace "%QTDIR%\" with "%QTDIR%" (to remove the 
following slashes) because the variable already contains a following slash.

running the pl script again I get

   E:\>rem This compiles only the sqldrivers folder:

   E:\>C:\MSys\1.0\bin\yes   | C:\qt\4.5.1\configure -opensource 
-plugin-sql-mysql-no-sql-sqlite -debug-and-release -fast -no-sql-odbc 
   Error: Creating a shadow build of Qt requires perl to be in the PATH 

this is my PATH with the correct path to perl.exe as the very first 
item... (which I had to insert using Control Panel as the Perl installer 
failed to do so)
PATH=C:\Perl64\bin;C:\Program Files (x86)\Embarcadero\RAD 
iseSVN\bin;C:\Program Files (x86)\QuickTime\QTSystem\;C:\Program Files 
QL\MySQL Server 5.1\bin

I messed with this problem for a while including re-boot etc. but I seem 
to be stuck at this point. The coffee has run out so I am going to bed.

Any help with this would be very welcome.

As a temporary solution I installed the v22 23616 build from 
http://members.iinet.net.au/~davco/ and then built this version from svn 
on my Linux box.

Leslie Kaye

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