[mythtv] Ticket 4270: MythTV on Windows (with MINGW)

Arnon Meshoulam arnonm at gmail.com
Tue Dec 25 20:40:58 UTC 2007

Trying to compile frontend on mingw and getting audio errors in libmyth:
At revision 15223 - Environment:
export QTDIR=/c/qt/3.3.x-p8/
export QMAKESPEC=$QTDIR/mkspecs/win32-g++
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/c/qt/3.3.x-p8/lib/
cd mythtv
./configure --prefix=/usr --disable-dbox2 --disable-hdhomerun  --disable-dvb
--disable-ivtv --disable-iptv --disable-joystick-menu  --disable-xvmc-vld
--disable-x11 --disable-xvmc --enable-directx  --enable-memalign-hack
*mingw32-make -f Makefile

*cd libmyth && \
        c:/mingw/bin/mingw32-make -f Makefile
mingw32-make[2]: Entering directory `c:/temp/mythtv/mythtv/libs/libmyth'
Makefile:266: warning: overriding commands for target `.'
Makefile:263: warning: ignoring old commands for target `.'
g++ -c -march=i586 -g -Wall -Wno-switch -Wpointer-arith -Wredundant-decls
-Wno-non-virtual-dtor -D__STDC_CONSTANT_MACROS -mthreads -fexceptions
-I"/usr/include" -I"../libmythsamplerate" -I"../libmythsoundtouch" -I"../.."
-I".." -I"." -I"c:/qt/3.3.x-p8//include"
-I"c:/qt/3.3.x-p8/mkspecs/win32-g++" -o audiooutput.o audiooutput.cpp
In file included from mythcontext.h:6,
                 from audiooutput.h:7,
                 from audiooutput.cpp:8:
c:/qt/3.3.x-p8//include/qpixmap.h:249: warning: 'void bitBlt(QPaintDevice*,
int, int, const QPaintDevice*, int, int, int, int, Qt::RasterOp, bool)'
redeclared without dllimport attribute after being referenced with dllimport
In file included from mythcontext.h:22,
                 from audiooutput.h:7,
                 from audiooutput.cpp:8:
mythsocket.h:7:21: pthread.h: No such file or directory
In file included from mythcontext.h :22,
                 from audiooutput.h:7,
                 from audiooutput.cpp:8:
mythsocket.h:83: error: `pthread_t' does not name a type
In file included from audiooutputnull.h:7,
                 from audiooutput.cpp:11:
audiooutputbase.h:154: error: `pthread_t' does not name a type
audiooutputbase.h:156: error: `pthread_mutex_t' does not name a type
audiooutputbase.h:159: error: `pthread_cond_t' does not name a type
audiooutputbase.h:163: error: `pthread_mutex_t' does not name a type
In file included from audiooutput.cpp:13:
audiooutputdx.h:9:39: dsound.h: No such file or directory
audiooutputdx.h:34:2: warning: #warning Several methods in AudioOutputDX
need to be implemented...
In file included from audiooutput.cpp:13:
audiooutputdx.h:60: error: `LPDIRECTSOUND' does not name a type
audiooutputdx.h:61: error: `LPDIRECTSOUNDBUFFER' does not name a type

Anyone seeing the same?
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