[mythtv] playback problems with a certain station

Steven Adeff adeffs.mythtv at gmail.com
Thu Mar 16 20:05:58 UTC 2006

On 3/16/06, Jack Perveiler <perveilerj at yahoo.com> wrote:
> --- Steven Adeff <adeffs.mythtv at gmail.com> wrote:
> > On 3/16/06, Jack Perveiler <perveilerj at yahoo.com> wrote:
> > > I've been having trouble with a certain hidef station, 7_1 - WHDH HD Boston
> > > (1080i) with 19-fixes r9324 (using the Standard decoder).  Might also be
> > worth
> > > noting that I'm using the animated video previews in the program selection
> > > menu.
> > >
> <snip long portion of original post>
> >
> > Jack,
> >    I was running 9327-fixes and am now running 9369-fixes and haven't
> > noticed this problem with WHDH-DT, though I'll look into it to see if
> > I notice what your seeing. What tuner are you using?
> >
> > --
> > Steve

oops, havent installed 9369, just compiled it =D but with 9327 I
haven't noticed any sync issues. I'll need to install 9369 and see.

> Thanks for the reply.  I'm using a HD-3000 with an OTA antenna, which for all
> intents and purposes has been working really well for a long time now.  I only
> get these wierd issues with WHDH HD (although to be fair I get the audio sync
> problem on WBZ-DT once in a great while).

same card as me, I'm using QAM through Comcast, so I wonder if comcast
is doing something with the feed that fixes this. I haven't had the
time to check on this yet though...

> Do you use the animated preview in the program selector?  I wonder if:

I do use the animated preview.

> "[mpeg2video @ 0xb741b840]insufficient thread locking around
> avcodec_open/close()"
> is causing the video codec (opened earlier for the preview, maybe?) not to
> close, which is why I get:
> "2006-03-15 14:34:23.953 AFD: Warning, video codec 0x8c54ba0 id(MPEG2VIDEO)
> type (Video) already open."
> a short time later.  Maybe not properly closing and re-opening the codec means
> the decoder is in a wierd state and this causes the badness.  Maybe there's
> just something with WHDH HD's stream that exaggerates a race somewhere.
> I'm going to try 1) not using any preview and 2) tracking down whomever
> opens/closes codecs and trying some additional locking.  All after my wife/kid
> go to bed, of course ;)
> --Jack

I'll try and play with this later. the G/F is moving and watching tv
as she packs so I can't now...


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