[mythtv] [mythtv-commits] Ticket #1459: Mythbackend SEGV during EIT scan - svn 9246

Janne Grunau janne-mythtv at grunau.be
Sun Mar 5 16:00:31 UTC 2006

On Sunday 05 March 2006 16:42, MythTV wrote:
> #1459: Mythbackend SEGV during EIT scan - svn 9246

9263 is also broken in this aspect.

>  {{{
>  [jd] p *psip
>  $1 = {<PESPacket> = {_vptr.PESPacket = 0x409f6410,
>      _pesdata = 0x4400a00d <Address 0x4400a00d out of bounds>,
>      _fullbuffer = 0x4400a008 <Address 0x4400a008 out of bounds>,
>      _psiOffset = 4, _ccLast = 2, _pesdataSize = 188, _allocSize =
> 3948, _badPacket = false}, static PSIP_OFFSET = 8}
>  }}}
>  I'm just rebuilding with the patch from #1456 - 

It will not help. I have seen the same error with the patch. I'm 
checking now with valgrind.

As far as I can tell from the garbled buffers it seems that the 
segfaults happen most with low-reception channels.

ciao Janne

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