[mythtv] Request: please fix channel up/down and watch live TV defaults forDVB:HD tuners

Mudit Wahal mwahal at gmail.com
Thu Jun 2 18:59:28 UTC 2005

On 6/2/05, Isaac Richards <ijr at case.edu> wrote:
> On Thursday 02 June 2005 01:50 pm, Mudit Wahal wrote:
> > The startchan is really broken for HD:DVB as pointed out by Wendy and
> > others in various lists. Trust when several people are complaining
> > about the same issue. There is a similar thread going on in
> > mythtv-users. Not every one is dumb or stupid not to know how to
> > configure the setup (as you might have suggested in your earlier
> > posts).
> Wasn't your first email bitching about how that it _wasn't_ in the setup
> program?  You're talking about a completely different issue, now.
Okay, its there in setup program, but the changes doesn't take effect.
So what does it lead to ?

> > Also, setting channum as 7_1 in your setup will not help unless you
> > have a DVB card/driver etc. As the sql query code path might be
> > different. Again I may be wrong as you are the developer and in your
> > opininon nothing is broken and everything is working as its supposed
> > too :-)
> The code's identical for all types of cards.  It'd be pretty dumb to have
> different functions to figure out which channel's next for different types of
> cards, now, wouldn't it?
> > Today, I'll start the mythtv-setup, set the sorting to channel number
> > and then start with channel 2_1. I'll log all the sql queries and the
> > myth backend logs when I go channel up/down. Then I'll change the
> > sorting to alpha and repeat the above process. I'll save both the
> > backend log and the sql query logs, and post on the thread.

For some reason, I can only select the sort by name. Whenever I
select, Sort by number, the setting is not saved. I see the list
sorted by the number in the Channel Editor, but when I quit the setup
and then start again, goto Channel Editor, the sort method is still
name only. I didnt see any "update" in the sql logs. So, I cant test
the "sort by number" method. What is the right way to change it to
sort by number ? Or tell me the sql command and I can issue it and
proceed with the testing.

I've logs collected for both sql and mythbackend when the order is Sort by name.
I started with channel 5_1 via the /etc/default/mythtv-backend, and
then went up arrow keys a few channels.

Here is the SQL Logfile (snipped some stuff as its too long, only kept
anything which had channum in it).

==== start of backend logs .. grep on Trying to tune only ====
2005-06-02 11:29:17.781 mythbackend: MythBackend started as master server
2005-06-02 11:29:17.785 New DB connection, total: 2
2005-06-02 11:29:17.810 DVB#0 Trying to tune to channel 5_1.
2005-06-02 11:30:18.048 DVB#0 Trying to tune to channel 7_1.
2005-06-02 11:30:51.274 DVB#0 Trying to tune to channel 9_1.
2005-06-02 11:31:08.627 DVB#0 Trying to tune to channel 11_2.
======= end of backend logs ================

==== here is result of sql query from the setup to show channels
sorted by name =====
name    channum chanid  name
ENCORE  9_2     1040    HD-BCST
Faith   65_4    1068    HD-BCST
KBHK-DT 44_1    1044    HD-BCST
KBWB-HD 20_1    1038    HD-BCST
KBWB-SD 20_2    1003    HD-BCST
KCSMDT (KCSM-DT)        43_1    1049    HD-BCST
KCSMDT2 (KCSM-DT2)      43_2    1050    HD-BCST
KCSMDT3 (KCSM-DT3)      43_3    1052    HD-BCST
KGODT (KGO-DT)  7_1     1034    HD-BCST
KGODT2 (KGO-DT2)        7_2     1041    HD-BCST
KICUDT (KICU-DT)        36_1    1036    HD-BCST
KIDS    9_5     1043    HD-BCST
KIDS    95      1069    HD-BCST
KKPXDT (KKPX-DT)        65_1    1065    HD-BCST
KNTV-DT 48_2    1051    HD-BCST
KNTV-HD 11_1    1037    HD-BCST
KNTVDT2 (KNTV-DT2)      11_2    1011    HD-BCST
KPIX DT 5_1     1032    HD-BCST
KQED-HD 9_1     1039    HD-BCST
KRON-HD 4_2     1035    HD-BCST
KRON-SD 4_1     1033    HD-BCST
KSTSDT (KSTS-DT)        48_1    1048    HD-BCST
KTEHDT (KTEH-DT)        54_1    1054    HD-BCST
KTNCDT (KTNC-DT)        42_1    1046    HD-BCST
KTSF-D1 26_1    1042    HD-BCST
KTSF-D2 26_2    1005    HD-BCST
KTVU-DT 2_2     1027    HD-BCST
KTVUHD  2_1     1031    HD-BCST
LIFE    9_4     1045    HD-BCST
NBC Wea 11_2    1001    HD-BCST
PaxEast 65_2    1066    HD-BCST
WORLD   9_3     1047    HD-BCST
Worship 65_3    1067    HD-BCST


========= SQL log when SORT BY NAME is set ==========
                    342 Query       SELECT chanid, serviceid, mplexid
FROM channel
,cardinput,capturecard WHERE channel.channum='5_1' AND
cardinput.sourceid = channe
l.sourceid AND cardinput.cardid = '1' AND capturecard.cardid =
cardinput.cardid AN
D capturecard.cardtype = 'DVB'
                    344 Query       SELECT DISTINCT channel.chanid,
id, program.starttime, program.endtime, program.title,
program.subtitle, program.d
escription, channel.channum, channel.callsign, channel.name,
oldrecorded.endtime I
S NOT NULL AS oldrecduplicate, program.category, record.recpriority +
riority + cardinput.preference, record.dupin, recorded.endtime IS NOT
orded.endtime < NOW() AS recduplicate, oldfind.findid IS NOT NULL AS
, record.type, record.recordid, program.starttime - INTERVAL
record.startoffset mi
nute AS recstartts, program.endtime + INTERVAL record.endoffset minute
AS recendts
, program.previouslyshown, record.recgroup, record.dupmethod,
channel.commfree, ca
pturecard.cardid, cardinput.cardinputid, UPPER(cardinput.shareable) =
'Y' AS share
able, program.seriesid, program.programid, program.category_type,
 program.stars, program.originalairdate, record.inactive,
record.parentid, (CASE r
ecord.type   WHEN 9    THEN to_days(date_sub(program.starttime,
       time_format(record.findtime, '%H:%i') hour_minute))   WHEN 10  
 THEN floor
((to_days(date_sub(program.starttime, interval               
indtime, '%H:%i') hour_minute)) -                record.findday)/7) *
7 + record.f
indday   WHEN 7    THEN record.findid   ELSE 0  END) FROM recordmatch 
record ON (recordmatch.recordid = record.recordid)  INNER JOIN program
ON (recordm
atch.chanid = program.chanid AND                        
recordmatch.starttime = p
rogram.starttime AND                         recordmatch.manualid =
id)  INNER JOIN channel ON (channel.chanid = program.chanid)  INNER
JOIN cardinput
 ON (channel.sourceid = cardinput.sourceid)  INNER JOIN capturecard ON
d.cardid = cardinput.cardid)  LEFT JOIN oldrecorded ON   (    
record.dupmethod >
1 AND     program.title = oldrecorded.title      AND      (      
(program.programid <> '' AND NOT        (program.category_type =
'series' AND program.programid LI
KE '%0000')        AND program.programid = oldrecorded.programid)     
 OR       (
oldrecorded.findid <> 0 AND         oldrecorded.findid = (CASE
record.type   WHEN
9    THEN to_days(date_sub(program.starttime, interval                
(record.findtime, '%H:%i') hour_minute))   WHEN 10    THEN
(program.starttime, interval               
time_format(record.findtime, '%H:%i')
hour_minute)) -                record.findday)/7) * 7 + record.findday
  WHEN 7
 THEN record.findid   ELSE 0  END) )       OR       (       
(program.programid =
'' OR oldrecorded.programid = '')        AND       
(((record.dupmethod & 0x02) =
0) OR (program.subtitle <> ''           AND program.subtitle =
e))        AND        (((record.dupmethod & 0x04) = 0) OR
(program.description <>
''           AND program.description = oldrecorded.description))      
)      )
)  LEFT JOIN recorded ON   (     record.dupmethod > 1 AND    
program.title = reco
rded.title      AND      (       (program.programid <> '' AND NOT     
category_type = 'series' AND program.programid LIKE '%0000')       
AND program.pr
ogramid = recorded.programid)       OR       (recorded.findid <> 0 AND
orded.findid = (CASE record.type   WHEN 9    THEN
me, interval                 time_format(record.findtime, '%H:%i')
 WHEN 10    THEN floor((to_days(date_sub(program.starttime, interval
  time_format(record.findtime, '%H:%i') hour_minute)) -               
day)/7) * 7 + record.findday   WHEN 7    THEN record.findid   ELSE 0 
END) )
 OR       (        (program.programid = '' OR recorded.programid = '')
       (((record.dupmethod & 0x02) = 0) OR (program.subtitle <> ''    
      AND p
rogram.subtitle = recorded.subtitle))        AND       
(((record.dupmethod & 0x04
) = 0) OR (program.description <> ''           AND program.description
= recorded.
description))       )      )   )  LEFT JOIN oldfind ON  
(oldfind.recordid = recor
dmatch.recordid AND    oldfind.findid = (CASE record.type   WHEN 9   
THEN to_days
(date_sub(program.starttime, interval                
time_format(record.findtime, '%H:%i') hour_minute))   WHEN 10    THEN
e, interval                time_format(record.findtime, '%H:%i')
hour_minute)) -
              record.findday)/7) * 7 + record.findday   WHEN 7    THEN
id   ELSE 0  END) )
                    342 Query       SELECT channel.videofilters FROM
recard,cardinput WHERE channel.channum = '5_1' AND channel.sourceid =
urceid AND cardinput.inputname = 'DVBInput' AND cardinput.cardid =
did AND capturecard.cardid = 1 AND capturecard.hostname = 'mythtvbe'
                    342 Query       SELECT
ption,category,callsign,icon,channel.chanid, seriesid, programid,
lters, previouslyshown, originalairdate, stars FROM
rdinput WHERE channel.channum = '5_1' AND channel.visible = 1 AND
starttime < '200
50602112951' AND endtime > '20050602112951' AND program.chanid =
channel.chanid AND channel.sourceid = cardinput.sourceid AND
cardinput.cardid = capturecard.cardid
AND capturecard.cardid = 1 AND capturecard.hostname = 'mythtvbe'
                    342 Query       SELECT
ption,category,callsign,icon,channel.chanid, seriesid, programid,
lters, previouslyshown, originalairdate, stars FROM
rdinput WHERE channel.channum = '5_1' AND channel.visible = 1 AND
starttime < '200
50602113018' AND endtime > '20050602113018' AND program.chanid =
channel.chanid AND channel.sourceid = cardinput.sourceid AND
cardinput.cardid = capturecard.cardid
AND capturecard.cardid = 1 AND capturecard.hostname = 'mythtvbe'
                    342 Query       SELECT channum + 0 FROM
rdinput WHERE channel.channum = "5_1" AND channel.sourceid =
cardinput.sourceid AN
D cardinput.cardid = capturecard.cardid AND capturecard.cardid = "1"
AND captureca
rd.hostname = "mythtvbe"
                    342 Query       SELECT channel.channum,
channel.chanid FROM ch
annel,capturecard,cardinput WHERE channel.channum + 0 > "5"  AND
cardinput.cardid = capturecard.cardid AND capturecard.cardid = "1" AND
capturecard.hostname = "myth
tvbe" AND cardinput.sourceid = channel.sourceid  ORDER BY
channel.channum + 0  LIM
IT 1
                    342 Query       SELECT chanid, serviceid, mplexid
FROM channel
,cardinput,capturecard WHERE channel.channum='7_1' AND
cardinput.sourceid = channe
l.sourceid AND cardinput.cardid = '1' AND capturecard.cardid =
cardinput.cardid AN
D capturecard.cardtype = 'DVB'
                    342 Query       SELECT
ption,category,callsign,icon,channel.chanid, seriesid, programid,
lters, previouslyshown, originalairdate, stars FROM
rdinput WHERE channel.channum = '7_1' AND channel.visible = 1 AND
starttime < '200
50602113019' AND endtime > '20050602113019' AND program.chanid =
channel.chanid AND channel.sourceid = cardinput.sourceid AND
cardinput.cardid = capturecard.cardid
AND capturecard.cardid = 1 AND capturecard.hostname = 'mythtvbe'
                    342 Query       SELECT
ption,category,callsign,icon,channel.chanid, seriesid, programid,
lters, previouslyshown, originalairdate, stars FROM
rdinput WHERE channel.channum = '7_1' AND channel.visible = 1 AND
starttime < '200
50602113019' AND endtime > '20050602113019' AND program.chanid =
channel.chanid AND channel.sourceid = cardinput.sourceid AND
cardinput.cardid = capturecard.cardid
AND capturecard.cardid = 1 AND capturecard.hostname = 'mythtvbe'
                    342 Query       SELECT channum + 0 FROM
rdinput WHERE channel.channum = "7_1" AND channel.sourceid =
cardinput.sourceid AN
D cardinput.cardid = capturecard.cardid AND capturecard.cardid = "1"
AND captureca
rd.hostname = "mythtvbe"
                    342 Query       SELECT channel.channum,
channel.chanid FROM ch
annel,capturecard,cardinput WHERE channel.channum + 0 > "7"  AND
= capturecard.cardid AND capturecard.cardid = "1" AND
capturecard.hostname = "mythtvbe" AND cardinput.sourceid =
channel.sourceid  ORDER BY channel.channum + 0  LIM
IT 1
                    342 Query       SELECT chanid, serviceid, mplexid
FROM channel
,cardinput,capturecard WHERE channel.channum='9_1' AND
cardinput.sourceid = channe
l.sourceid AND cardinput.cardid = '1' AND capturecard.cardid =
cardinput.cardid AN
D capturecard.cardtype = 'DVB'
                    342 Query       SELECT
ption,category,callsign,icon,channel.chanid, seriesid, programid,
lters, previouslyshown, originalairdate, stars FROM
rdinput WHERE channel.channum = '9_1' AND channel.visible = 1 AND
starttime < '200
50602113052' AND endtime > '20050602113052' AND program.chanid =
channel.chanid AN
D channel.sourceid = cardinput.sourceid AND cardinput.cardid =
AND capturecard.cardid = 1 AND capturecard.hostname = 'mythtvbe'
                    342 Query       SELECT
ption,category,callsign,icon,channel.chanid, seriesid, programid,
lters, previouslyshown, originalairdate, stars FROM
rdinput WHERE channel.channum = '9_1' AND channel.visible = 1 AND
starttime < '200
50602113052' AND endtime > '20050602113052' AND program.chanid =
channel.chanid AN
D channel.sourceid = cardinput.sourceid AND cardinput.cardid =
AND capturecard.cardid = 1 AND capturecard.hostname = 'mythtvbe'
                    342 Query       SELECT channum + 0 FROM
rdinput WHERE channel.channum = "9_1" AND channel.sourceid =
cardinput.sourceid AN
D cardinput.cardid = capturecard.cardid AND capturecard.cardid = "1"
AND captureca
rd.hostname = "mythtvbe"
                    342 Query       SELECT channel.channum,
channel.chanid FROM ch
annel,capturecard,cardinput WHERE channel.channum + 0 > "9"  AND
= capturecard.cardid AND capturecard.cardid = "1" AND
capturecard.hostname = "myth
tvbe" AND cardinput.sourceid = channel.sourceid  ORDER BY
channel.channum + 0  LIMIT 1
                    342 Query       SELECT chanid, serviceid, mplexid
FROM channel
,cardinput,capturecard WHERE channel.channum='11_2' AND
cardinput.sourceid = chann
el.sourceid AND cardinput.cardid = '1' AND capturecard.cardid =
cardinput.cardid A
ND capturecard.cardtype = 'DVB'
                    342 Query       SELECT
ption,category,callsign,icon,channel.chanid, seriesid, programid,
lters, previouslyshown, originalairdate, stars FROM
rdinput WHERE channel.channum = '11_2' AND channel.visible = 1 AND
starttime < '20
050602113110' AND endtime > '20050602113110' AND program.chanid =
channel.chanid A
ND channel.sourceid = cardinput.sourceid AND cardinput.cardid =
 AND capturecard.cardid = 1 AND capturecard.hostname = 'mythtvbe'
                    342 Query       SELECT
ption,category,callsign,icon,channel.chanid, seriesid, programid,
lters, previouslyshown, originalairdate, stars FROM
rdinput WHERE channel.channum = '11_2' AND channel.visible = 1 AND
starttime < '20
050602113110' AND endtime > '20050602113110' AND program.chanid =
channel.chanid A
ND channel.sourceid = cardinput.sourceid AND cardinput.cardid =
 AND capturecard.cardid = 1 AND capturecard.hostname = 'mythtvbe'

================ end of SQL Logs ========

As soon as I know how to fix the Sort by Number option, I'll generate
logs of sql and backend and will send them too.

> Send in a patch, too, if you think something's broken.  I've already verified
> that things work as I would expect them to if you insist on having channel
> numbers that aren't numeric.  The ordering may be a bit weird, but that's
> because it's sorting strings, not numbers.
> Isaac
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