[mythtv] [PATCH] -- picking wrong AC-3 audio stream to play

Taylor Jacob rtjacob at earthlink.net
Thu Feb 17 21:17:51 UTC 2005

Quoting Brad Templeton <brad+mydev at templetons.com>:
> Unfortunately the true long term solution adds yet more UI, in that myth's
> player, like a DVD player, might need to have a menu to let a user select
> the audio stream if multilingual streams are arriving.

Why don't you use TS mode and just use the + key to choose the audio track?

> This recording came from PBS-Encore.  It is Nova, this one is in
> widescreen but not HD.   The recording at 1080i is overkill and 6 gigs per
> hour.  The recording at 480i above is much smaller at 1.6gb, but is much
> blurrier.   This is in part because it's letterboxed in a 4:3 window, which
> seems really dumb but it seems as though it's even more than that.  The
> 1080i recording is effectively EDTV, 720x480p, but upsampled to 1080i.

You can blame your PBS affiliate for resizing it.. The PBS feeds over satellite
are 16:9 480i if the show was filmed is natively 16:9.. My affiliate does the
same thing, and also re-compresses it so it looks pretty bad compated to the
satellite feed..

720x480 progressive is 480p not EDTV..

> An annoying choice here -- for best quality, a 6.3 gb file, or accept less
> quality at 1.6gb.  Probably down the road the right thing to do is
> to transcode down to 960x540p or something and get a small file but
> remain progressive and keep all the resolution.  (the deinterlace is
> trivial if you go to 540p)

Just get more HDD space or play it on an HDTV.. PBS does not believe in
upconverting since its a waste of bandwidth and they do have a good deal of
programmng that they want to send at the same time.. Some HD programming may
have clips of old movies that don't look very good at 1080i maybe thats what
you are talking about..


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