[mythtv] waiting for free video buffers timed out

Cory Papenfuss papenfuss at juneau.me.vt.edu
Tue Sep 28 15:26:03 EDT 2004

 	Hey all... just wondering if there's an idea for a resolution on this. 
I saw it in the archives from a few days ago, and it just started happening to 
me.  It appears to do this when using r128 or ati (mach64) cards, but not with 
nvidia on a tnt2.  When trying to play a video through mythtv, it just 
continously spits out:
waiting for free video buffers timed out
waiting for free video buffers timed out
waiting for free video buffers timed out
waiting for free video buffers timed out



* Cory Papenfuss							*
* Electrical Engineering candidate Ph.D. graduate student               *
* Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University 			*

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