[mythtv] [PATCH] Xbox LED support

Michael Greb mikegrb at yahoo.com
Sat Sep 6 16:43:27 EDT 2003

Here it is again.  This time it is a runtime option and doesn't have the
i2c headers for the xbox.  This now introduce a new runtime dependency if
support is enabled.

You must have the blink program from the eds_i2c_staff branch of the
xbox-linux project on Source Forge CVS.  On GentooX this is already
installed as /bin/led.  It is an easy one to compile with no outside
dependencies.  If you need a binary I can provide it for you.

To enable support:
Go to setup->General and select the enable xbox hardware support option on
the second page.  Go back to the main menu then to setup again and you
will have an Xbox option.  In here you may specify the LED color when
recording and not recording and how frequently to check for changes in
this status.  The default is 5 seconds, I have it running at 3 on my
system though with no noticeable problems with load or bandwidth on the
frontend or backend.  The top setting asks the distribution witch choices
of GentooX and other.  This is to account for GentooX calling the blink
binary led.  If you have any information about a distribution other then
GentooX and Ed's Debian, I'd be happy to hear about it.

After things are enabled in setup, restart the frontend.

Known Bugs:
For some reason gContext->GetSetting is returning the default I give it
rather then the setting in the database.  If anybody has any suggestion
for why this is happening, I'd be glad to hear them.  The default is red
when recording and green when not.  You can easily change this in the code
(libs/libmyth/xbox.cpp) if you want something different.  Options are
'gggg', 'rrrr', 'oooo', and 'nnnn' for green, red, orange, and off.  The
main problem with this bug is for those using GentooX.  The work around is
symlink blink to led so that led can be run as blink or change the default
in the code from blink to led.

Any questions or comments?
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