No subject

Mon Oct 30 22:48:16 UTC 2006


* -s/--status - An additional return value of 8 specifies that a recording
  is in progress.

Two new command-line parameters are available:

* -t/--setscheduledwakeuptime - Gets the next scheduled recording and sets
  the wakeup time using the command specified in MythWelcome/MythShutdown 
  wakeup command settings.

* -x/--safeshutdown - equivalent to -c -t -q. This checks there is no
  recording in progress, sets the wakeup time for the next scheduled 
  recording and shuts down the machine if everything completed successfully.

The changes I made where to make the retrieving of the recording status optional
because it just duplicates what MythWelcome already does and has the side effect
of opening a connection to the backend every time it wants the recording status 
which, if using the default verbose setting, causes the backend log to fill will
HandleAnnounce and adding: xxxx as a client messages.

Closes #3176.

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