[mythtv-users] Distro for x86-64-v1 CPUs

Dan Wilga mythtv-users at dwilga.info
Fri Mar 1 17:41:10 UTC 2024

On 2/29/24 3:25 PM, Gary Buhrmaster wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 29, 2024 at 2:08 PM Dan Wilga <mythtv-users at dwilga.info> wrote:
>> Any other distros I'm forgetting?
> Do you really require an LTS distro?
It's not so much a question of LTS or not, it's more a question of 
whether it will likely continue to run on the architecture and support 
the very reasonable library requirements of Myth as it evolves. I don't 
want to have to recompile hundreds of packages to get something that 
works--one or two is fine though.

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