[mythtv-users] Upgrading old mythtv

James Linder jam at tigger.ws
Fri Jun 28 22:27:51 UTC 2024

> On Jun 29, 2024, at 04:51, Christopher Sean Hilton <chris at vindaloo.com> wrote:
> I'm upgrading my MythTV setup. Currently my backend is MythTV v29.x. running on
> CentOS-7. The frontend will be anything that can consume the backend, preferrably an App
> installed on my AppleTV. 

I paid munnie for the AppleTV app and after upgrading to 34 it no longer works. (My wife watches Netflix so the network is fine)
I’d say save your munnie.
My UPnP does no longer work on the Samsung. I’ve not investigated if it is the TV, myth or the network. I could not find a UPnP client for Apple (the apps all want to be SERVERS) or for linux.
Installing Winders to test is a task for a rainy day.

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