[mythtv-users] UK Freeview’s final decade? A timeline of events

Paul Harrison mythtv at mythqml.net
Thu Jan 11 14:55:49 UTC 2024

An interesting article for anyone in the UK about the future of Freeview :-
https://rxtvinfo.com/2024/timeline-of-c ... ellite-tv/ 

Also some early information about Freely the service starting later this 
year that is supposed to replace Freeview and Freesat :-
https://rxtvinfo.com/2024/all-in-one-tv ... will-work/ 

The confusing thing for me is this is obviously about the future of 
linear TV but it's been hard not to notice all the TV stations are 
pushing their own on demand services like crazy at the moment "Watch 
live tonight at 9 or any time for free on our on demand service". So 
what do they really want us to use Freely or their OD services? It would 
be nice if Freely could support both linear and OD TV in an all in one 
convenient app so we don't have to install and subscribe to many 
different services for OD but I suspect that's unlikely to happen :(

Paul H.
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