[mythtv-users] How to delete multiple recordings

Stephen Worthington stephen_agent at jsw.gen.nz
Sat Jan 6 03:31:01 UTC 2024

On Fri, 5 Jan 2024 19:27:20 -0700, you wrote:

>Sometimes I record several episodes of a show then decide I don't like the
>show and want to delete all the episodes. Can I delete them all at once
>rather than one at a time?
>I tried highlighting the show in the Watch Recordings list then hitting d,
>but then it just asks me to confirm delete of the first item of the list
>(as if I had selected that episode and hit d).

Use playlists.

First, make sure you delete the recording rule so it will not keep on
recording.  Go to one of the episodes, M(enu) > Recording Options >
Edit Recording Schedule (or just E on the keyboard), change to "Do not
record this programme" and save.  You have to remember to do this
first or you will have to search for the recording rule later (and
remember the correct name of the programme to do that).

Then in the left column, M(enu) > Add this Group to Playlist.  Then
M(enu) > Playlist Options > Delete and allow re-record (or just
Delete).  I prefer to use "Delete and allow re-record" in case I (or
another family member) change my mind later and want to record it

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