[mythtv-users] Upgraded to Ubuntu 22.04 / MythTV 32 - MythWeb search now abysmally slow

Will Dormann wdormann at gmail.com
Fri Sep 29 11:48:08 UTC 2023

On 9/28/23 5:35 PM, Will Dormann wrote:
> However, one thing that I noticed is that using mythweb to search for 
> something (using the search box) is abysmally slow.  mysqld has the CPU 
> pegged, and my web browser has been spinning for about 15 MINUTES and 
> counting, and it's still going.

Ok, so after noticing that even just displaying the channel listing page 
was ridiculously slow, I figured it out.

After the upgrade, I merely needed to run the optimize_mythdb.pl script 
again.  I have this on a weekly cron job, so perhaps eventually it would 
have sorted itself out on its own.

I'm not exactly sure why upgrading mysql versions (as part of the Ubuntu 
22.04 upgrade) would have affected anything related to database 
optimization.  But it's back to normal now!


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