[mythtv-users] [mythvideo] disable metadata lookup for certain directories

Thomas Boehm mythtv-users at lists.boehmi.net
Wed May 24 08:39:46 UTC 2023

On 23/05/2023 16:08, Peter Bennett wrote:
> Are you referring to the automatic lookup when scanning  for new 
> videos from mythfrontend, mythutil --scanvideos, or some other process? 

Hi Peter,

sorry for the direct email, but your email didn't have a Reply-To 
header. So here it is again fot the list.


I'm referring to the scan in the frontend. I guess as a workoround I 
could run "mythutil --scanvideos" and fill the inetref column in the 
videometadata table with zeroes if filename contains the folder afterwards.

But a better way would be to have something like .nolookup in the folder 
or if it would be possible to disable metadatalookup per storagegroup. 
Then I could put these videos in its own storagegroup.

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