[mythtv-users] Caveats in upgrading from Ubuntu 18.04 + MythTV 29.1 to something newer?

Will Dormann wdormann at gmail.com
Fri May 5 13:18:53 UTC 2023

On 4/24/23 9:43 PM, Will Dormann wrote:
> Just an update for the benefit of anybody else who may be in a similar 
> boat.  Obviously, my MythTV machine lineage and configuration won't 
> match what else is out there, but here was my experience FWIW:

Also, and while I don't regret getting this machine vaguely up to date, 
for those of you in Ubuntu land:

If your main concern is to continue to receive security updates, 
personal accounts (up to 5 machines) are available for Ubuntu Pro for free:

This will extend the support of an LTS release from 5 years to 10 years!


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