[mythtv-users] What do people use/do - replacement for MythPodcaster

Stephen Worthington stephen_agent at jsw.gen.nz
Sun Feb 13 16:41:19 UTC 2022

On Sun, 13 Feb 2022 08:58:24 -0500, you wrote:

>On Sat, 2022-02-12 at 19:51 +0000, Dave Pearson (Lists) wrote:
>> I’m still using MythPodcaster. I had to set it up in a docker
>> container, I also had to set up a mysql container for mysql 5 for
>> mythtv as the latest version of mysql with Ubuntu didn’t work with my
>> Docker container.
>> Hopefully the MythPodcaster docker container is still available to
>> pull from docker hub.
>> Regards,
>> Dave
>I was going to try and do the docket thing, but the container wasn't
>found (following the instructions on how to set it up)....
>Trying to do it the normal way is getting hung up on the logging...
>[2022-02-12 07:59:41] [info] log4j: setFile called:
>/var/log/mythpodcaster/mythpodcaster.log, true[2022-02-12 07:59:41]
>[info] log4j:ERROR setFile(null,true) call failed.[2022-02-12 07:59:41]
>[info] java.io.FileNotFoundException:
>/var/log/mythpodcaster/mythpodcaster.log (Read-only file system)
>With the bottom line basically saying it isn't configured right, and
>the URL they reference to essentially says it could not find the
>config, which is completely wrong..
>I *think* it has something to do with the claim of a "Read-only file
>[2022-02-12 07:59:41] [info] log4j: Adding appender named [DEFAULT] to
>category [org.springframework].[2022-02-12 07:59:41] [info] log4j:
>Retreiving an instance of org.apache.log4j.Logger.[2022-02-12 07:59:41]
>[info] log4j: Setting [org.springmodules] additivity to [true].[2022-
>02-12 07:59:41] [info] log4j: Level value for org.springmodules
>is  [info].[2022-02-12 07:59:41] [info] log4j: org.springmodules level
>set to INFO[2022-02-12 07:59:41] [info] log4j: Adding appender named
>[DEFAULT] to category [org.springmodules].[2022-02-12 07:59:41] [info]
>log4j: Retreiving an instance of org.apache.log4j.Logger.[2022-02-12
>07:59:41] [info] log4j: Setting [org.apache.commons] additivity to
>[true].[2022-02-12 07:59:41] [info] log4j: Level value for
>org.apache.commons is  [info].[2022-02-12 07:59:41] [info] log4j:
>org.apache.commons level set to INFO[2022-02-12 07:59:41] [info] log4j:
>Adding appender named [DEFAULT] to category [org.apache.commons].[2022-
>02-12 07:59:41] [info] log4j: Retreiving an instance of
>org.apache.log4j.Logger.[2022-02-12 07:59:41] [info] log4j: Setting
>[org.hibernate] additivity to [true].[2022-02-12 07:59:41] [info]
>log4j: Level value for org.hibernate is  [error].[2022-02-12 07:59:41]
>[info] log4j: org.hibernate level set to ERROR[2022-02-12 07:59:41]
>[info] log4j: Adding appender named [DEFAULT] to category
>[org.hibernate].[2022-02-12 07:59:41] [info] log4j: Retreiving an
>instance of org.apache.log4j.Logger.[2022-02-12 07:59:41] [info] log4j:
>Setting [net.urlgrey] additivity to [true].[2022-02-12 07:59:41] [info]
>log4j: Level value for net.urlgrey is  [info].[2022-02-12 07:59:41]
>[info] log4j: net.urlgrey level set to INFO[2022-02-12 07:59:41] [info]
>log4j: Adding appender named [DEFAULT] to category [net.urlgrey].[2022-
>02-12 07:59:41] [info] log4j: Level value for root is  [info].[2022-02-
>12 07:59:41] [info] log4j: root level set to INFO[2022-02-12 07:59:42]
>[info] log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger
>(com.mchange.v2.log.MLog).[2022-02-12 07:59:41] [info]log4j: Setting
>property [conversionPattern] to [%d %-5p [%t] %C{2} (%F:%L) -
>%m%n].[2022-02-12 07:59:41] [info]log4j: setFile called:
>/var/log/mythpodcaster/mythpodcaster.log, true[2022-02-12 07:59:42]
>[info] log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly.[2022-02-
>12 07:59:41] [info]log4j:ERROR setFile(null,true) call failed.[2022-02-
>12 07:59:42] [info] log4j:WARN See 
>http://logging.apache.org/log4j/1.2/faq.html#noconfig for more
>info.[2022-02-12 07:59:41] [info]java.io.FileNotFoundException:
>/var/log/mythpodcaster/mythpodcaster.log (Read-only file system)
>This is doubtless something STUPID, but I sure don't know what...

This looks like the usual problem with permissions on /var/log and its
subdirectories.  Try manually creating the /var/log/mythpodcaster
directory and the /var/log/mythpodcaster/mythpodcaster.log file as
root and then set the ownership to be the user running mythpodcaster.
The log file will need RW and the directory RWX permissions for that

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