[mythtv-users] Advice on v31 installation?

Paul Harrison mythtv at mythqml.net
Tue Jun 29 17:30:19 UTC 2021

On 29/06/2021 17:34, Stephen Worthington wrote:

> On Tue, 29 Jun 2021 10:35:23 -0400, you wrote:
>> (f) And in general---any other gotchas that spring to mind or things I
>> should be asking about?
> If you are using IR remotes, then you will run into the problem where
> the Ubuntu 20.04 lirc package is broken - you will need to run my fix
> script to install it properly:
> http://www.jsw.gen.nz/mythtv/lirc-ubuntu-20.04-install.sh

I would suggest  if your remote IR device/hardware has devinput drivers 
that work (most do these days) and you only want to receive from your IR 
device then don't bother with lirc since devinput is much simpler to 
setup and in many cases just works.

Paul H.

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