[mythtv-users] Repack - Rescan question

Ross Boylan rossboylan at stanfordalumni.org
Wed Mar 11 22:09:21 UTC 2020

Is the transport editor available in Myth 30?  I poked around some in
mythtv-setup before my database modifications, and I didn't see anything
but the option to do a whole new scan.

For others in the SF Bay Area, https://sfbayatsc.koherence.com/ current
lead article lists a number of stations that dropped their old frequencies
on March 9.
In addition to channel 2, channel 60 and a grab bag of channels (38, 42,
and 50) all associated with one mplex and freqid  39, which is now 32,
I seem to have deleted that last batch (they do show up in my recent
channel scan), but I did have 60, and was unable to tune to it.

Here's a transcript of my changes.  After doing this, I get a viewable
picture on 60 again.

-- next day I learn of other changes: https://sfbayatsc.koherence.com/
select * from channel where atsc_major_chan = 60;
| chanid | channum | freqid | sourceid | callsign | name    | icon
       | finetune | videofilters | xmltvid                          |
recpriority | contrast | brightness | colour | hue   | tvformat | visible |
outputfilters | useonairguide | mplexid | serviceid | tmoffset |
atsc_major_chan | atsc_minor_chan | last_record         | default_authority
| commmethod | iptvid |
|  26001 | 60_1    | 43     |        2 | KPJKHD   | KPJKHD  |
      |     NULL |              | I35545.json.schedulesdirect.org  |
    0 |    32768 |      32768 |  32768 | 32768 | ATSC     |       1 |
        |             1 |      12 |         3 |        0 |              60
|               1 | 2020-02-10 00:58:00 |                   |         -1 |
  NULL |
|  26002 | 60_2    | 43     |        2 | PJKF24   | PJKF24  |
s70130_ll_h3_aa.png |     NULL |              |
I35547.json.schedulesdirect.org  |           0 |    32768 |      32768 |
 32768 | 32768 | ATSC     |       1 |               |             1 |
 12 |         4 |        0 |              60 |               2 | 0000-00-00
00:00:00 |                   |         -1 |   NULL |
|  26006 | 60_6    | 43     |        2 | PJKJAZZ  | PJKJAZZ |
      |     NULL |              | I113467.json.schedulesdirect.org |
    0 |    32768 |      32768 |  32768 | 32768 | ATSC     |       1 |
        |             1 |      12 |         8 |        0 |              60
|               6 | 0000-00-00 00:00:00 |                   |         -1 |
  NULL |
3 rows in set (0.052 sec)

select * from dtv_multiplex where mplexid=12;
MariaDB [mythconverg]>
| mplexid | sourceid | transportid | networkid | frequency | inversion |
symbolrate | fec  | polarity | modulation | bandwidth | lp_code_rate |
transmission_mode | guard_interval | visible | constellation | hierarchy |
hp_code_rate | mod_sys   | rolloff | sistandard | serviceversion |
updatetimestamp     | default_authority |
|      12 |        2 |         411 |      NULL | 647000000 | a         |
       0 | auto | v        | 8vsb       | a         | auto         | a
            | auto           |       0 | 8vsb          | a         | auto
      | UNDEFINED | 0.35    | atsc       |             33 | 2019-04-27
08:09:22 |                   |
1 row in set (0.001 sec)

-- channel 60 is now SCANNING: 551000000 (us-bcast:27)
update channel set freqid=27 where atsc_major_chan=60;  --as noted in this
thread, freqid is informational only
MariaDB [mythconverg]> Query OK, 3 rows affected (0.002 sec)
Rows matched: 3  Changed: 3  Warnings: 0

update dtv_multiplex set frequency=551000000 where mplexid=12;
MariaDB [mythconverg]> Query OK, 1 row affected (0.001 sec)
Rows matched: 1  Changed: 1  Warnings: 0

-- various channels KCNS/KTNC/KEMO SCANNING: 581000000 (us-bcast:32)
select * from channel where freqid=39; --39 was old value
MariaDB [mythconverg]> Empty set (0.001 sec)

select * from channel where atsc_major_chan in (38, 42, 50);
MariaDB [mythconverg]> Empty set (0.000 sec)


On Wed, Mar 11, 2020 at 2:00 AM Klaas de Waal <klaas.de.waal at gmail.com>

> On Wed, 11 Mar 2020 at 09:19, Stephen Worthington <
> stephen_agent at jsw.gen.nz> wrote:
>> On Tue, 10 Mar 2020 19:27:24 -0700, you wrote:
>> >I just ran into the same problem.  I too wonder if there is some
>> automatic
>> >way to do a rescan; in the past I've noticed when I scan channels lots of
>> >other stuff of I've done needs to be redone (e.g., picking the subset of
>> >interest).  FWIW, omitting the rather confused process of figuring out
>> what
>> >was going on, these were the steps:
>> >1. hdhomerun_config  MyTunerID scan 0
>> >Results include
>> >SCANNING: 575000000 (us-bcast:31)
>> >LOCK: 8vsb (ss=100 snq=93 seq=100)
>> >TSID: 0x0141
>> >PROGRAM 3: 2.1 KTVU-HD
>> >PROGRAM 4: 2.2 KTVU-SD
>> >PROGRAM 5: 2.3 Movies!
>> >PROGRAM 6: 2.4 Buzzr
>> >
>> >The key items are from the line SCANNING: 575000000 (us-bcast:31)
>> >
>> >2. In the database find the relevant entries in channels; change freqid
>> to
>> >31 there for atsc_major_chan = 2
>> >Those records also have an mplexid which can be used to locate a record
>> (I
>> >had just one) in dtv_multiplex.
>> >
>> >3. update dtv_multiplex set frequency=575000000 where mplexid=13;
>> >
>> >2 alone was insufficient.
>> >
>> >I know directly messing with the database is frowned on, but it seemed to
>> >work for me.
>> >
>> >Ross
>> The channel.freqid values are not used for digital TV such as DVB-T
>> and ATSC.  What matters is that the channel.mplexid points to a
>> dtv_multiplex entry with the correct dtv_multiplex.frequency value.
>> Having the freqid value set correctly is only for humans looking at
>> the database, so it should either be set correctly, or if it is not
>> going to be kept set to the correct values, set to 0.
>> _______________________________________________
>> Figuring out what the problem is and modifying the database to solve your
> problem is great fun when it goes OK so enjoy! The flipside is of course
> that it can fail but that is life.
> As Stephen says, the freqid values are not used anymore but they are still
> filled in when you do a scan across frequencies. If you would delete all
> channels and then do a "Scan of all transports" then the values are not
> filled in.
> If you have figured out the old and the new frequency then you can also
> use the Transport Editor of mythtv-setup to change the frequency, see
> https://www.mythtv.org/wiki/Channel_Scanning#Transport_Editor
> Changing the frequency only works if all the bits inside the transport
> stream such as the service ID stay the same which appears to be the case
> here.
> Starting with mythtv v31, if you do a scan on the new frequency like Allen
> has done then the channel would have been updated, identified by the major
> and minor channel numbers. For older versions you first have to delete the
> old channels as Allen has done, or, even better, first delete the old
> transport with the Transport Editor which then also deletes all the
> channels of that transport.
> It would have been much easier if you just can do a "Full Scan" and let
> mythtv-setup sort everything out. The problem, as described by Alan, is
> that the same transport stream can be received from different transmitters
> on different frequencies with as result that the scanner finds duplicate
> channels. To be continued...
> Klaas.
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