[mythtv-users] XMLTV setup can't run mythtv-setup as user mythtv

DryHeat122 dryheat122 at gmail.com
Mon Jul 27 01:44:28 UTC 2020

On Sat, Jul 25, 2020 at 5:30 PM Bill Meek <keemllib at gmail.com> wrote:

> The intent of doing the setup as user mythtv is to end up with a single
> set of files
> in ~mythtv/.mythtv/*.xmltv and ~mythtv/.xmltv/* where the latter depends
> on the grabber
> selected.
> Doing links (hard or symbolic) defeats that and makes a difficult process
> even harder
> to setup and maintain.
> Here's the way to run mythfilldatabase from the command line:
>    sudo --login --user=mythtv mythfilldatabase
> When the backend runs it, it will just work because the files are in it's
> .mythtv
> and .xmltv directories.
> Run the above with the -v system command and you'll see the
> tv_grab_zz_sdjson command
> line that mythfilldatabase is executing. Run that from the command line to
> see if
> there are more clues to the problem. The file (--output /tmp/blah) won't
> be removed
> so you can look at it too. You can even add --debug to the
> tv_grab_zz_sdjson command
> but don't do that 1st as it's pretty verbose.
> I use tv_grab_zz_sdjson_sqlite so won't be of much more help.
> Here's a picture of the desired files. Again for the *SQLite version*:
> Example for distributions that store MythTV data relative to
> ~mythtv/.mythtv,
> /
> └── home
>      └── mythtv
>          ├── .mythtv
>          │   ├── OTA.xmltv # Which contains:
>          │   │       database=/home/mythtv/.xmltv/SchedulesDirect.DB
>          │   │       lineup=USA-OTA-90210
>          │   │       mythtv-categories=enabled
>          │   │
>          │   └── CABLE.xmltv # Which contains:
>          │           database=/home/mythtv/.xmltv/SchedulesDirect.DB
>          │           lineup=USA-IL90210-X
>          │           mythtv-categories=enabled
>>          └── .xmltv
>              └── SchedulesDirect.DB
> Note that nothing is stored under the login user's .mythtv or .xmltv
OK I am close.  My contents are the same as yours.  The only issue I'm
having is that when I did the second (OTA) configuration, it seems to have
deleted the entries from the first (cable) configuration in the DB.  When I
query with select distinct(lineup) from channels it gives only the
US-OTA-XXXXX lineup.  And select * from lineups returns only one record for
the same lineup.

To be clear, I followed wiki directions from heading "Setup with
tv_grab_zz_sdjson_sqlite" by cutting from the wiki and pasting to the
terminal, substituting cable for SD the first time, and ota for SD the
second time.  I assumed I had to do it twice to get the separate .xmltv
entries.  Is there maybe an argument to tv_grab_zz_sdjson_sqlite that's not
noted in the wiki that I have to use to tell sqlite3 I'm appending a second
.xmltv config rather than starting a new DB?  I was going to have a look at
the code (assuming it's not binary) but I can't locate the file.
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