[mythtv-users] leanfront v0-123 pausing

Jim Abernathy jfabernathy at gmail.com
Wed Apr 29 13:03:25 UTC 2020

This didn't happen with older versions. But today I was watching a news 
program that started a 7am recording, but I didn't start it until much 
later.  I just let it run occasionally skipping commercials manually. At 
8:12 on the timeline it paused and didn't proceed; 8:12 was the end time 
showing on the timeline at that point.  After waiting a minute or so, I 
hit the right direction arrow and it restarted at 7am. I could skip 
using the down arrow by 10 minutes to get back to 8:10 and started 
watching.  The timeline now showed much farther near the end of the 

In older versions of leanfront the playback would just pause for a 
second and then continue at the same point, with the timeline now 
advanced to the current end of the recording.

Jim A

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