[mythtv-users] XMLTV and mythfilldatabase
Larry Kennedy
lunchtimelarry at gmail.com
Sat Apr 18 02:41:26 UTC 2020
On Thu, Apr 16, 2020 at 2:27 PM Simon Hobson <linux at thehobsons.co.uk> wrote:
> DaveD <mythtv at guiplot.com> wrote:
> > I have two lineups; OTA and Comcast cable. The OTA is no big deal, but
> the Comcast lineup sucks. It has almost 600 channels, many of which are
> wrong (don't come in at all or channels we DO get aren't listed), but for
> the most part, the ones we watch are ok. The problem lies in that fact
> that we had to go through all 500+ channels and manually disable the
> On-Demand, and premium channels and low def channels and FM radio channels,
> etc, etc. The way we did that was suggested in the Wiki where you take the
> SD.xml file with the channel!<ID> (ones you don't want) vs channel=<ID>
> (ones you do want) and edit that with a text editor (similar procedure for
> the sqlite DB) changing the "=" to a "!" on ones you don't want and vise
> verse on one you do want.
> >
> > That SD.xml file is used when you run mythfilldatabase to determine
> which channels it gets listing data for. Unfortunately, it still creates
> all the channels from the lineup in the mythconverg channel table, it just
> doesn't pull any data for the "deselected" channels. Since the channels
> table has a default "visible" value of 1, I ended up with all these "No
> Data" channels in my listings. YUCK!
> >
> > What I wound up doing was grep for all the "channel!" in the .xml file
> and output that to a file which I edited into an SQL query to set visible=0
> where xmltvid=xxxx and ORed the hundreds of channels I didn't want. I
> ended up with two files; one to set visible=1 on the channels with "=" and
> one to set visible=0 on the channels with "!". All the useless channels
> are still there, happily created by mithfilldatabase, they just have no
> data. After running my queries, at least the unused ones don't show up in
> the listings (except where the lineup has errors).
> >
> > Don't know if any of this helps, but it's what I've done and figured I'd
> share FWIW.
> have a look at https://www.mythtv.org/wiki/Database_editing_script
> It takes some setting up as you need to work through your channels working
> out the IDs for the channels you want to see, but once setup you can reset
> your channels quickly every time you rescan.
> Then, what I do is dynamically build the xmltv config file by querying the
> database for a list of channel IDs where visible=1. Doing it this way means
> only one place to maintain things - less work and automatically in-sync.
> #!/bin/bash
> base="/var/lib/mythtv/.xmltv"
> conf="${base}/tv_grab_sd_json.conf"
> xmlfile="${base}/listings.xml"
> xmlfile2="${base}/sd.xml"
> rm ${conf} ${xmlfile} ${xmlfile2} 2>/dev/null
> cp ${conf}.base ${conf}
> mysql --host=localhost --user=mythtv --database=mythconverg
> --password='*****' \
> -e "select distinct(xmltvid) from channel where visible=1 and
> useonairguide=0 order by xmltvid ;" |
> grep '[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]' |
> sed -e 's/^/channel=/' >> ${conf}
> /usr/bin/tv_grab_zz_sdjson --config-file ${conf} --output ${xmlfile}
> /usr/bin/tv_grep --output ${xmlfile2} --not --title 'To Be Announced'
> ${xmlfile}
> mythfilldatabase --only-update-guide --sourceid 1 --file --xmlfile
> ${xmlfile2} 2>&1 | grep -v 'Ignoring unknown timestamp format'
> As a quick hack, I get a list of channels and their IDs for my lineup with
> a short script. That gives me a relatively small file containing a list of
> channels that I can search to match up the names as found during the scan
> with the names as used by Schedules Direct.
> #!/bin/bash
> # Get full xml listing and extract channel-ids & names
> base="/var/lib/mythtv/.xmltv"
> conf="${base}/tv_grab_sd_json.conf"
> chan_file="${base}/channels"
> rm ${conf}.full ${chan_file}.txt ${chan_file}.xml 2>/dev/null
> sed -e 's/channels/lineup/' < ${conf}.base > ${conf}.full
> tv_grab_zz_sdjson --config-file ${conf}.full --days 0 --output
> ${chan_file}.xml
> grep 'channel id
> display-name' < ${chan_file}.xml > ${chan_file}.txt
> Simon
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