[mythtv-users] hdhomerun pixelation

Jay Harbeston jharbestonus at gmail.com
Sun Feb 24 20:43:48 UTC 2019

> On Feb 24, 2019, at 1:07 PM, Tom Dexter <digitalaudiorock at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 2/24/19, Jay Harbeston <jharbestonus at gmail.com <mailto:jharbestonus at gmail.com>> wrote:
>> I am currently using 2 HDHR4-2US tuners that replaced 2 HDHR3-2US tuners.
>> The HDHR3 tuners exhibited the drop every few minutes or so, causing
>> pixellation as you described for one(real channel 46) of the 4 broadcast
>> stations here. This was also a known problem with these tuners before the
>> HDHR4 came out. In earlier versions of the firmware the glitches were
>> longer, and more frequent.
>> The HDHR4 tuners I currently use do not have this problem for any of the
>> channels available locally.
>> Every once in awhile, I do some testing with the HDHR3 tuners and I still
>> see the problems with them using the latest firmware for the HDHR3.
>> Regards.
> I just saw this after I posted my reply. Very interesting, as this
> sounds like it may in fact be the same thing I've experienced with NBC
> out of NYC after they moved. To clarify one thing: I only use the
> command line hdhomerun_config. When everyone refers to "symbol
> quality" is that the same as the "seq" (signal error quality as I've
> always understood) in the command line version?:

I think the mapping to the gui description follows:

ss= signal strength
Snq = signal quality
Seq = symbol quality

When I was seeing the screen ‘sparkle’ , the symbol quality would drop and that is what I am referring to when using the HDHR3.  I haven’t ever seen this condition when using the HDHR4.

I use a unix shell to log to a database every 10 seconds the results from the command line using the following mapping as follows(there’s more to the shell script, but this is the meat of it):

results=`hdhomerun_config $hdhr get /tuner$tuner/status 2> /dev/null | grep -v "ch=none"`
      if [ "x$results" = "x" ]

      set -k `echo $results`


      tmpval=`echo $chaninfo | sed -e "s/^.*://"`
      if [ $tmpval -gt 100 ]

      strength=`echo $siginfo | sed -e "s/^.*=//"`
      qual=`echo $qualinfo | sed -e "s/^.*=//"`
      seq=`echo $seqinfo | sed -e "s/^.*=//"`
      bps=`echo $bpsinfo | sed -e "s/^.*=//"`
      pps=`echo $ppsinfo | sed -e "s/^.*=//"`

      querystr="insert into tunerlogs values ( NOW(), '$hdhr', '$tuner', '$channel', '$freq', '$strength', '$qual', '$seq', '$bps', '$pps' );”

When I was using the HDHR3 tuners, I did the above every second to capture the seq drop.   I now only check once a minute checking for bad transmit from the towers.


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