[mythtv-users] Radio stream database update

John Pilkington J.Pilk at tesco.net
Sun Oct 22 20:08:54 UTC 2017

On 22/10/17 20:21, John Pilkington wrote:
> On 22/10/17 19:26, Paul Harrison wrote:
>> On 22/10/17 18:54, John Pilkington wrote:
>>> On 22/10/17 12:34, John Pilkington wrote:
>>>> On 22/10/17 11:57, Paul Harrison wrote:
>>>> I've just hit 'Search for stream' and still see 12492 matches.  I'll 
>>>> try it on another box.  Perhaps I have metadata downloads turned off 
>>>> somewhere.  And the Trac server is still down.
>>>>> Strange there should be just over 34K rows in there?
>>> The f25 box, also running master 30-pre-233 with prevrec patch2 (ie 
>>> before your latest commit) shows only 3820 matches with 'All' 
>>> categories selected.  frontend logs on both boxes have:
>>> E  MusicMetadata: looks like we are already updating the radio 
>>> streams list
>>> I'm seeing trac again now.  Is something else down or do I have bad 
>>> settings somewhere?
>> OK it looks like either the backend or a frontend was stopped or 
>> crashed while the DB was being updated which has left it in a limbo 
>> state.
>> If you are good with mysql you can check and reset the 
>> 'MusicStreamListModified' setting in the settings table.
>> Check the value with :-
>> SELECT * FROM settings WHERE value = 'MusicStreamListModified';
>> And reset it with :-
>> UPDATE settings SET data='' WHERE value = 'MusicStreamListModified';
>> Then go back to the stream search screen and the new stream list will 
>> be downloaded and the DB will be updated. Be patient it can take a 
>> while to process the large XML file :) The frontend log will tell you 
>> what is happening.
> 2017-10-22 20:08:40.301276 I  MusicMetadata: downloading radio streams list
> 2017-10-22 20:08:45.504219 I  MusicMetadata: processing radio streams list
> 2017-10-22 20:14:45.096198 I  MusicMetadata: updating radio streams list 
> completed OK
> Thanks.  6 minutes.  With 3 SD recordings in progress.  I should perhaps 
> have checked first - but it looks ok.

  ... and on the f25 box 21 minutes, with little cpu activity but the 
disk at 100%  Thanks for the warning!  34084 matches now on both.

>> To answer where the list is downloaded from it comes from :- 
>> https://services.mythtv.org/music/data/?data=streams
>> which in turn redirects to the osuosl ftp servers at :- 
>> ftp://ftp.osuosl.org/pub/mythtv/music/db/streams.gz
>> Paul H.
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