[mythtv-users] Radio stream database update

Paul Harrison mythtv at sky.com
Sun Oct 22 10:57:01 UTC 2017

On 16/10/17 11:04, John Pilkington wrote:
> Paul:  This looks as if it's a splendid resource, but I find it 
> difficult to get into using it.  At present, on this box, master head, 
> mine starts from a url that appears to be dead; I see big red warning 
> crosses that can only be stopped by killing the frontend and I see no 
> obvious way of dropping that url and entering another.  Another box 
> works but the search window really expects me to know what is available.

This is now fixed. It will now stop on the first error.

For future reference you could have just gone to Music Settings->Player 
Settings and set Resume mode (Radio) to Off.

> I can get some idea of what that is by direct access to the DB:
> MariaDB [mythconverg]> select channel, description from music_streams 
> limit 100 ;
> - without the limit I get 12492 rows.

Strange there should be just over 34K rows in there?

> Is there somewhere else that gives a better overview - not necessarily 
> within Myth?

There's only the upstream DB we are using at radiosure.com/stations/ 
(can't check right now seems off line) but I think our search screen is 
better since you can filter the list by broadcaster, genre, country, 
language etc as well as a partial search on the channel name. We also 
have broadcaster and some logs that they don't use at all.

Our raw XML file we generate also contains a status (working/not 
working) and last test date that the upstreams DB also does not have. We 
don't actually use that info in MythMusic and since the plugins are on 
death row and development has stopped on them I don't see that changing.

Paul H.

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