[mythtv-users] Themes - come out wherever you are

Barry Martin barry3martin at gmail.com
Sun Oct 15 15:51:48 UTC 2017

Hi Paul!

> What version of MythTV are you using? I seem to remember some problems
> were fixed in this area recently but you will have to update to a fairly
> recent version to get them.

Hopefully giving your the correct information.  On the current Frontend I'm working on up here in the Computer Room the command "mythfrontend --version" gives the following:

	MythTV Version : v0.28-2-g15cf421
	MythTV Branch : fixes/0.28
	Network Protocol : 88
	Library API : 0.28.20160309-1
	QT Version : 5.5.1

Should be fairly up-to-date as installed Ubuntu 16.04.3 and MythTV on this computer just a few days ago.

> There are two sets of themes the default ones MythCenter,
> MythCenter-wide and Tera which should be in /usr/share/mythtv/themes
> typically.
> And then there are the user installed ones which will be placed in the
> theme directory in MythTV's config directory which is normally
> $HOME/.mythtv. You can see exactly what it is in the frontend log you
> will see a line that starts with "Using configuration directory ="
> followed by the directory it's using.

Currently /usr/share/mythtv/themes contains (via 'ls' command):

classic, default, defaultmenu, default-wide, DVR, mediacentermenu, MythCenter, MythCenter-wide, mythuitheme.dtd (must be a file), slave, Terra.

ls $HOME/.mythtv displays:
3rdParty, cache, channels, confix.xml, MythBrowser, themes, tmp.

The themes directory contains:
Arclight-master, Steppes, and Willi

As for the log, looking at "/var/log/mythtv/mythfrontend.log".  Found a line "Using configuration directory = /home/barry/.mythtv" with "N thread_unknown mythdirs.cpp:194 (InitializeMythDirs)" preceding.  (Probably unimportant -- I have no idea.)


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