[mythtv-users] Flirc users: possible solution to repeating keys issue with Harmony remotes

Ian Evans dheianevans at gmail.com
Sat Oct 7 19:16:44 UTC 2017

Just wanted to share a solution suggested to me by a support guy over at

I was having a problem with repeating keys e.g. hitting the arrow once in
the recordings list would drop me down about three recordings.

I had the mythbox in MyHarmony as a Windows media center device which
worked fantastic back in the lirc days. But the Flirc wasn't playing well
with the IR commands the Harmony was sending. He suggested that I change
the WMC device to a NEC using TV model like a Samsung, LG or Panasonic.
Since I have an LG TV, I told the Harmony software I was adding a Samsung
TV to be controlled by the AUX device key.

I then programmed the Flirc virtual keyboard with that IR setting and voilà,
the repeating keys issue was gone.

Just wanted to post this in case it helps anyone else with a Flirc,

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