[mythtv-users] Database errors after removing HD PVR

Michael mythtv at blandford.net
Fri Aug 4 18:19:56 UTC 2017

Hello All,

I just discontinued my satellite service and wanted to remove the HDPVRs 
from the system.    I additionally have an antenna and receive over the air.

I stopped mythtv, ran mythtvsetup, and removed the video source and the 
capture cards.   This should have left video sources and capture cards 
for OTA.

I exited and restarted mythbackend.    I decided I run mythfilldatabase 
--refresh-all just to make sure the guide data was accurate.  However, 
now I am seeing tons of errors like:

Driver error was [2/1146]:
QMYSQL: Unable to execute query
Database error was:
Table 'mythconverg.dd_v_program' doesn't exist

2017-08-04 10:49:46.245053 E  Error preparing query: INSERT INTO 
dd_v_program      ( chanid,                  starttime, 
endtime,                title,                   subtitle, 
description,            airdate,                 stars, 
previouslyshown,        stereo,                  dolby, 
subtitled,              hdtv,                    closecaptioned, 
partnumber,             parttotal,               seriesid, 
originalairdate,        showtype,                category_type, 
colorcode,              syndicatedepisodenumber, tvrating, 
mpaarating,             programid )      SELECT chanid,                  
scheduletime,    endtime, title,                   subtitle,        
description, year,                    stars,           isrepeat, 
stereo,                  dolby,           subtitled, 
hdtv,                    closecaptioned,  partnumber, 
parttotal,               seriesid,        originalairdate, 
showtype,                category_type,   colorcode, 
syndicatedepisodenumber, tvrating,        mpaarating, 
dd_program.programid FROM channel, dd_schedule, dd_program WHERE 
((dd_schedule.programid = dd_program.programid)  AND 
(channel.xmltvid       = dd_schedule.stationid) AND 
(channel.sourceid      = :SOURCEID))
2017-08-04 10:49:46.245056 E  Driver error was [2/1146]:
QMYSQL3: Unable to prepare statement
Database error was:
Table 'mythconverg.dd_v_program' doesn't exist

It complains about various mythconveg.dd* tables.   None of which exist 
in my database.   I went and looked at the last 20 database backups and 
I don't ever see those tables existing.   After googling, I saw on 
reference that these might be temporary tables, but I don't understand 
why myth isn't creating/using them now.  I have tried logging into the 
database as mythtv and that works fine.  I can create temp tables and 
drop them as well.

So, I also tried running mythtvsetup again, deleting the OTA video 
source and recreating it.  However, running it I see similar errors:

2017-08-04 11:14:26.610359 E  DB Error (Inserting into dd_genre):
Query was:
INSERT INTO dd_genre        ( programid,  class,  relevance) VALUES 
('EP007128590069', 'House/garden', '1')
Bindings were:
:CLASS="House/garden", :PROGRAMID="EP007128590069", :RELEVANCE="1"
Driver error was [2/1146]:
QMYSQL: Unable to execute query
Database error was:
Table 'mythconverg.dd_genre' doesn't exist

2017-08-04 11:14:26.610413 E  Error preparing query: INSERT INTO 
dd_genre        ( programid,  class,  relevance) VALUES (:PROGRAMID, 
2017-08-04 11:14:26.610416 E  Driver error was [2/1146]:
QMYSQL3: Unable to prepare statement
Database error was:
Table 'mythconverg.dd_genre' doesn't exist

Can anyone help me figure out this problem?    I have ~13 years of 
mythtv in this database and don't really want to start over.


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