[mythtv-users] TuningSignalCheck: Still waiting

HP-mini blm-ubunet at slingshot.co.nz
Mon Sep 28 18:28:06 UTC 2015

On Sun, 2015-09-27 at 16:19 -0700, Kirk Bocek wrote:
> On September 27, 2015 2:58:41 PM PDT, Hika van den Hoven <hikavdh at gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> >Do you have fast tuning set? If only for live TV try setting to
> >always.
> >
> HDHomeRun Prime? Another victim of the Copy Once flag?
> _______________________________________________
His logs suggest free OTA DVB..
The wiki could suggest any tuner options required for this model tuner.
Likely your channel lineup PIDs or similar have changed.
I would re-scan existing transports in mythtv-setup with verbose logging
for dvb but then cancel/exit without making changes. This process
creates a nice summary in logs/stdout of your tuners &
multiplexes/channels etc. You can then check if existing channel PIDs
still match with the scan at your leisure.

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