[mythtv-users] Delete A Manual Recording Schedule

Jay Foster jayf0ster at roadrunner.com
Fri Sep 25 20:21:07 UTC 2015

On 9/25/2015 12:40 PM, Doug Lytle wrote:
>>> On Sep 25, 2015, at 3:24 PM, Jay Foster jayf0ster at roadrunner.com wrote:
>>>> However, for a manual scheduled recording, there is no such option.  How do I delete a manually
>>>> scheduled recording schedule?
> I just did a test scheduled manual recording.  Once created, it shows up in the Recording Schedules and I was able to select cancel.
> Doug
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Thanks.  The cancel schedule option does show up when I click on the 
manual recording schedule from the Recording Schedules UI.  It does not 
show up when clicking on the manual recording schedule from the Upcoming 
Recordings UI (but it does for regular recordings).  Seems a bit 


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