[mythtv-users] [Bulk] Re: Mythnews disappears and Music schema update notice

Ian Evans dheianevans at gmail.com
Wed Sep 23 18:30:37 UTC 2015

On Wed, Sep 23, 2015 at 4:47 AM, Paul Harrison <mythtv at sky.com> wrote:

> On 23/09/15 08:55, Hika van den Hoven wrote:
>> Here's the thing...removing mythweather, music and news doesn't delete the
>>> corresponding tables, even if you use purge in apt-get.
>>> So when you reinstall and fire up the frontend, it gives the same
>>> complaints about the tables.
>>> HOWEVER, if you drop the tables after purging and reinstalling, the
>>> frontend log complains it can't find the tables in order to upgrade them.
>>> So purging/reinstalling doesn't seem to recreate/initialize the tables.
>>> I gotta sleep...but I appreciate your help. Hopefully you and others will
>>> see the issue and I'll fight the good fight when I wake up.
>>> Thanks!
>> I'm surprised! I would expect the same proces that caused the problem
>> to recreate the tables. How then if you add a plug-in to a running
>> system? Normally on a fresh or updated system the frontend when first
>> run does this!
> Each plugin has it own schema version and we store the version in the
> settings table so for MythNews it's  'NewsDBSchemaVer'.
> The database upgrade code looks at the schema version in the settings
> table and only attempts to update it if it is lower than the actually
> schema version.
> Assuming no update to the plugins was performed this looks like a DB
> corruption problem of some sort so running optimize_mythdb.pl would be a
> good idea.
> If you have dropped the MythNews table you will have to remove the
> 'NewsDBSchemaVer' schema version setting in the settings table to get the
> plugin to recreate the tables.

Just to clarify your last sentence...if I uninstall Mythnews/weather/music,
and drop their tables, I then set the corresponding SchemaVer to blank? i.e
UPDATE settings SET NewsDBSchemaVer='';

For the record, here are the other values:

DBSchemaVer     1317     NULL
ArchiveDBSchemaVer     1005     NULL
GameDBSchemaVer     1016     NULL
MusicDBSchemaVer     1000     NULL
PhoneDBSchemaVer     1001     NULL
WeatherDBSchemaVer     1000     NULL
BrowserDBSchemaVer     1002     NULL
NetvisionDBSchemaVer     1004     NULL
NewsDBSchemaVer     1000     NULL
WebDBSchemaVer     4     NULL
GalleryDBSchemaVer     1003     NULL
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