[mythtv-users] MythTV with HDHR Prime and Direct TV

Sean Hanna sean.hanna.2733 at gmail.com
Fri Sep 18 20:35:05 UTC 2015

On Fri, Sep 18, 2015 at 3:21 PM, John Moore (Insight Global) <
v-johmo at microsoft.com> wrote:

> >________________________________
> > From: John Moore (Insight Global) <v-johmo at microsoft.com>
> >To: Discussion about MythTV <mythtv-users at mythtv.org>
> >Sent: Friday, September 18, 2015 10:11 AM
> >Subject: Re: [mythtv-users] MythTV with HDHR Prime and Direct TV
> >
> >
> >
> >I have not gotten a receiver yet.  I suspect it’s the Standard Receiver,
> I am willing to pay the additional for a upgrade.  That’s why I am here
> trying to sort out what others are using so I know what to buy so I can
> avoid getting something that won’t work.
> >
> >Here is 1 receiver
> >http://www.directv.com/technology/standard_receiver
> >
> >Here is the other receiver
> >http://www.directv.com/technology/hd_receiver
> >
> >Both receivers are non DVR.
> >
> >It appears that linux drivers are not the only blocker with new HD-PVR’s,
> but any other connection other than HDMI.  The receiver is using a 3 cable
> Y/R/W (whatever it is called) and the HD-PVR (which I am finding on NewEgg)
> is using a 5 cable R/G/B & R/W) (whatever it is called).   I really have no
> interest in recording protected content, but I cannot even get an idea of
> how much TV is protected.  If all of it, the HDMI is useless.  Yet it’s the
> only standard.  Which means I am really blocked.
> >
> >Here is a example of the HD-PVR I am looking at ($150)
> >http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16815116086&cm_re=p
> >vr-_-15-116-086-_-Product
> >
> >Ok, so it looks like I found a HD-PVR which has Y/R/W INPUTS up front
> >($350)
> >http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=9SIA0AJ35J1173&cm_re=pv
> >r-_-15-116-030-_-Product
> >
> >John Moore
> >
> So the 5 cable on the HD-PVR you linked is 3 component cables and 2 for
> analog audio. . People label component inputs and cables differently, but
> they are not incompatable. I think you need the 1212 model or the 1445
> HD-PVR model for linux/mythtv compatibility. I have the 1212 - which I
> believe can still be bought new at Amazon and I'm sure there are plenty on
> ebay.
> Now as for that standard HD directv receiver - it doesn't have component
> out. It has s-video, composite (yellow cable), and HDMI  (the red and white
> cables are for analog audio)- so it won't work with the HD-PVR first gen.
> But if you aren't interested in HD, you could get the standard def receiver
> and whatever people use today instead of the PVR-150 to do SD capture.
> Looks like Directv is eliminating the analog HD loophole on their receivers
> (nothing coming out of the analog outputs would be protected if the HDMI is
> not connected). I have an old H20 which still has component outputs that I
> use with my HD-PVR.
> With directv you don't get to pick the model they give you, just the level
> or service (SD, HD, DVR, etc). They have multiple models for every service
> level. The best you can do is ask the installer if they have and can bring
> a model you want. Some people reschedule their appointments until they get
> an installer that does.
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> Looks like at this time I have to wait and see what I get for a recevier
> from directTV, then decide to take the plunge and purchase the 1212 which
> is $350 on NewEgg.
> I will let everyone know how it turns out when I start down that path.
> Anyone interested in a 6 month old HDHR Prime...lol  I will trade for a
> 1212. :-)
> John Moore
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Why spend $350 on Newegg when you can go on Ebay and get one for less than
a 1/3rd of the cost?  I will tell you this, most of the time you can get
the IRD's ahead of time and just have the installer do the dish part if you
can't.  When I first got DirecTV I purchased the IRD off of Ebay and when
the installer came over he noted on my account the IRDs were already
present.  This way you can make sure to get the IRDs you need and then just
get them activated.

But in the end its up to you.
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