[mythtv-users] Custom Recording

Robert Dege livemotion at gmail.com
Fri Sep 18 01:48:14 UTC 2015

@Karl - Even better.  I like including the sports category.  I know I was
able to specify that with an advanced search, but didn't know I could
include that with the Custom Recording.

@Kirk - Now that the season has started, I wanted to stay neutral with my
question and not have thread morph into sports banter :-D


On Thu, Sep 17, 2015 at 9:09 PM, Karl Newman <newmank1 at asme.org> wrote:

> On Thu, Sep 17, 2015 at 1:55 PM, Robert Dege <livemotion at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Thank you all for the help.  I was able to create the custom rule in
>> mythweb using
>> program.title like "NFL%Football%" and program.subtitle like "%team%"
>> No no no .... definitely not a Pats fan; they're a division rival ;)
>> -Robert
>> Here's my power search:
> program.title LIKE '%NFL%'
> AND program.subtitle LIKE '%49ers%'
> AND program.category = 'Sports event'
> The %NFL% means it catches preseason games, too. Adding the
> program.category limits it to games and skips the documentaries, etc. I
> also use the First Showing filter (so it doesn't record multiple showings
> of preseason games), and the rule is set to "Find and record one showing of
> this title each day." (Probably "Record at any time on any channel" would
> also work.)
> Karl
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